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Approved September 12, 2003

Chairman Kendall moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive Session with the Chancellor on Friday, June 23, 2003, at The University of Maryland, Baltimore at 2:30 p.m. Mandel, Pevenstein and Shockley Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Canter, Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Hoyer, Hug, Johnson, Josey, Larson, Marcus, Nevins, Riley, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Vivona, Boesch, Interim Vice Chancellor Dillon; Ms. Ryan, Regents-elect, Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. . Minutes of the sessions are attached. PUBLIC SESSION Chairman Kendall called the public meeting of the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland to order at 9:02 a.m. on Friday, June 27, 2003 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Canter, Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Hoyer, Hug, Johnson, Josey, Larson, Marcus, Nevins, Riley, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellor Vivona, Interim Vice Chancellors Boesch and Dillon; Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short; Presidents Bogomolny, Dudley-Eshbach, Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, Thompson, Interim President Jones, Vice President McNeil (Coppin), Vice President Bruszewski (FSU), Dr. Parker (CUSF), Mr. Hill (CUSS), Mr. Patton (USMSC), Ms. Ryan, Regents-elect Mandel, Pevenstein and Shockley; USM staff members, members of the press and other observers. A. Welcome and Remarks from Host Institution. President David Ramsay presented an institutional overview and highlights of the different schools within UMB. B. Chancellor's Report: Dr. Kirwan thanked the Regents and others for the very successful June 6, 2003 Scholarship Dinner welcoming him and Mrs. Kirwan to the System. $1.3 million was raised for System-wide scholarships. Dr. Kirwan announced that Dr. Robert Caret will become President of Towson University beginning July 1, 2003 and welcomed him to the USM; introduced Mr. John Dillon, interim President of the UMF, Inc.; thanked Dr. Dan Jones for his services as interim president of Towson University and thanked Dr. Heeger for his leadership chairing the Tuition Taskforce Committee. USM Presidents were commended for the effective way that they have dealt with the budget situation. He praised their efforts in protecting core programs and maintaining good communication with the Board and USMO. In addressing the recent U.S. Supreme Court's reaffirmation of Backe decision, he stated "It is a critical victory for justice and fairness on campuses across the nation." Chancellor Kirwan announced that this was the last meeting for four of our Board members: Regents Canter, Hoyer, Josey and Marcus. Tribute by Regents and Presidents was paid to them the previous evening. On behalf of the USM, Kirwan expressed deep gratitude and respect to each of them for their tireless work. C. Committee of the Whole 1. Approval of the Minutes of the April 12, 2003 meeting - motion by Regent Kendall; seconded by Regent Josey, unanimously approved. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the June 10, 2003 special meeting - motion by Regent Kendall; seconded by Regent Rosapepe, and unanimously approved. 3. Approval of FY 2004 Board of Regents Meeting Schedule - motion by Regent Kendall; seconded by Regent Florestano and unanimously approved. 5. Resolutions of Appreciation for outgoing Regents Canter, Hoyer, Josey and Marcus. Regent Wood, Assistant Secretary of the BOR, read the Resolution of Appreciation for Regent Canter into the minutes. (copy on file with the minutes) Regent Wood read the Resolution of Appreciation for Regent Hoyer into the minutes (copy on file with the minutes). Motion to accept by Regent Wood; seconded by Regent Hug; unanimously approved. Several Regents expressed their gratitude and appreciation for Congressman Hoyer. Regent Wood read the Resolution of Appreciation for Regent Josey into the minutes (copy on file with the minutes). Motion to accept by Regent Wood; seconded by Regent Larson and unanimously approved. Several Regents expressed their gratitude and appreciation for Regent Josey. Regent Nevins said that "she reminded us all why we are here." Regent Wood then read the Resolution of Appreciation for Regent Marcus into the minutes (copy on file with the minutes). Motion to accept by Regent Wood; seconded by Regent Kendall. Chairman Kendall stated that Regent Marcus was very involved with the Regents and is analytical, fair minded and offered good advice. D. Reports of the Advisory Councils 1. Council of University System Presidents - President Heeger presented the report for President Gira, who is recovering from surgery. Dr. Heeger thanked the Board, Chancellor and Vice Chancellors for their assistance in managing the budget cuts. The consequences of the budget cuts will be controversial and the presidents will need the Board's continued support of their efforts. 2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. David Parker first introduced his successor as chair of CUSF, Dr. Martha Siegel of TU. Dr. Parker stated that CUSF will continue to study a recent incident involving graduation qualifications at Coppin and will report back to the Board with their findings and propose amended policies and procedures if needed. There is also concern that some presidents have not involved shared governance in their decisions on budget cuts and other issues. 3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Joe Hill presented the report of CUSS and announced the members of the Executive Board for FY 2004. Mr. Hill expressed the staff concerns regarding budget problems and layoffs. 4. University System of Maryland Student Council - Mr. Tyler Patton presented the report of the Council. He thanked Regent Canter for his tireless work as student regent. Mr. Patton said that students were concerned about the tuition increases and urged the Board to provide a fair proposal for the increases. E. Report of the Committee on Education Policy. 1. Regent Florestano presented the report of the June 18, 2003 meeting of the Education Policy Committee. 2. Regent Florestano requested that the seven items under Academic Program Proposals be placed on the consent agenda: a. TU - BTPS in Information Technology b. TU - BTPS in Allied Health c. UB: LL.M. in the Law of the United States d. UMBC: Post-baccalaureate Certificate in American Contemporary Music e. UMCP: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems f. UMCP: Master of Education in Education Concept and Practices g. UMES: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership h. UMUC: Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Project Management (PBC) and Incorporation of Area of Concentration in Interdisciplinary Project Management in Three Existing Graduate Programs. Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent Rosapepe; and unanimously approved. Program Discontinuance: i. UB: Doctor of Psychology Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent Tydings; and unanimously approved. 3. Proposed Resolutions for Delegations of Authority to the Chancellor a. Regent Florestano moved for approval of the Resolution Delegating to the Chancellor of the USM the Authority to Approve Certain Program Actions. Seconded by Regent Rosapepe, and unanimously approved. b. Regent Florestano moved for approval of the Resolution Delegating to the Chancellor of the USM the Authority to Approve Periodic Reviews of Existing Programs and to Approve Annual Institutional Submissions to MHEC Regarding Low- Productivity Programs. Seconded by Regent Tydings, and unanimously approved. 4. Regent Florestano moved for approval of the USM Policy on Professional Commitment of Faculty (II- 3.10); seconded by Regent Rosapepe and unanimously approved. The following items were presented as Information Only: 5. Changes in the Shared Governance Structure/Process at Bowie State University 6. K-16 Update 7. Briefing on Reports required by 2003 Joint Chairmen's Report. F. Report of the Committee on Finance - Regent Nevins. Regent Nevins moved that Items 1 and 2 be placed on the consent agenda; seconded by Regent Rosapepe. 1. FY 2005 Capital Budget Request of $236,053,000 and System Priority Listing; FY 2005-2009 Capital Improvement Program and FY 2005-2014 Ten Year Capital Plan 2. FY 2004 System Funded Construction Program Request of $18,000,000 After a brief discussion, Items and 2 were unanimously approved. Regent Nevins then moved that Items 3, 3a, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 14a be placed on the consent agenda; seconded by Regent Rosapepe. 3. USM: Twenty-Second Bond Resolution 3a. Second Refunding Bond Resolution 4. Proposed Revision of BOR Policy VIII-5.30-Policy on Endowment Fund Spending Rule 7. Tuition Remission Policy for Employees (VII-4.10) and their Spouses and Dependent Children (VII- 4.20) - Revisions to Grant Tuition Remission Benefits to Morgan State University's (MSU), St. Mary's College (SMC) and Baltimore City Community Colleges Faculty, Staff and their Dependent Children. 8. Revised USM 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and Implementation Resolutions 9. USM Contingent Deferred Compensation Plan - 457(f) 10. Towson University: Dining Services Contract 11. UMBC: Case Management Services contract Renewal 12. UMBC: Food Service Contract Renewal 13. UMCP: Increase Authorization to Construction an Atrium in the Chemistry Teaching Building 14. UMCP: Natural Gas Purchase Agreement "Regent Wood asked if the air quality permit that restricts use of alternative fuels can be changed. UMCP will report back to the Board." 14a. UMCP: Modification of Scope of Ground Lease for Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences These items were unanimously approved. Item 5. FY 2004 Tuition Rates - University of Maryland, Baltimore Regent Nevins moved for approval; seconded by Regent Larson. Following brief discussion, Item 5 was approved, with Regents Canter and Rosapepe opposed. Items 15 and 16 were for information purposes only. 15. Financial Data Report for the Ten Months Ended April 30, 2003 16. USM: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects G. New Business 1. Improving Communications between Students and Student Regent - Regent Canter presented his report which is on file with the minutes. Some suggestions included: · Improvement of the Student Regent Web Page · Institutional Description of the Student Regent · Creation of a USM Student Government President listserv 2. Follow-up to Board of Regent's Best Practices Report. Regent Kendall stated that the Board will reduce the number of standing committees dropping the External Relations and Technology Committees. Three workgroups will be formed to work on specific issues; each with their own timetable. The workgroups are: · Resource Development · Effectiveness and Efficiencies of USM · Public Corporation Regent Josey commended the formation of the workgroups and recommended that the Legislature be appraised of the work by the groups. 3. Regent Kendall then introduced and welcomed Secretary Riley as a member of the Board of Regents. Regent Kendall also introduced Regents-elect Robert Pevenstein, Marvin Mandel and Philip Shockley (student regent). 4. Regent Tydings moved that a resolution to Governor Ehrlich and the leadership of Maryland regarding return of sate funds to the USM budget be accepted by the Board. Seconded by Regent Rosapepe. (Full text of the resolution on file with the minutes). Following a discussion, Regent Hoyer offered an amendment to Regent Tydings' Resolution. Regent Kendall moved that the amended version of the resolution be accepted; seconded by Regent Nevins; approved by the Board with Regent Riley opposed. Approved amended paragraph: "Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland urges Governor Ehrlich and the leadership of the Maryland General Assembly to take the steps necessary to ensure the continued strength and advancement of the institutions that comprise the University System of Maryland; and, be it further resolved that the Board calls upon the Governor and the General Assembly to restore, as an urgent state priority, the financial support necessary for the continued progress toward excellence of the University System of Maryland." Regent Hoyer expressed his pleasure at being able to serve on the Board of Regents and working with the Board members, Chancellor and Presidents. Meeting adjourned at 11:59 a.m.
University System of Maryland
3300 Metzerott Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1690, USA