USM Logo Text
Approved April 16, 2004



February 13, 2004

University of Baltimore


Chairman Kendall moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive Session with the Chancellor on Friday, February 13, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. at the University of Baltimore. Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood and Shockley; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein and Vivona, Interim Vice Chancellor Dillon, Ms. Ryan, Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Notes of the session attached.


Chairman Kendall called the Public Session of the Board of Regents meeting to order at 10:40 a.m. at the University of Baltimore on Friday, February 13, 2004. Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood and Shockley; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein and Vivona, Interim Vice Chancellor Dillon, Presidents Battle, Bogomolny, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Dudley-Eshbach, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, Caret, Thompson, Vice President Steven Wilson (UMCES), Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short, Ms. Ryan and USM staff members, members of the press and other observers.

A. Mr. Robert L. Bogomolny, President of University of Baltimore, welcomed the Regents, Presidents and others to the campus. He then introduced four faculty members and four students from UB who presented overviews of their major programs. The programs and the student representatives were: Baltimore City Fellows Program (Det. Mark Garcia); Community Studies and Civic Engagement (Tom Southern), Center for Family and Children in Courts (Tim Cross), and School of Communication and Design (Amanda Gingery).

B. Committee of the Whole

1. The minutes of the meetings of December 12 and December 19, 2003 were approved; moved by Regent Kendall; seconded by Regent Nevins and unanimously approved.

2. Chancellor's Report. (Report on file with the minutes). Chancellor Kirwan presented an overview of budget and legislative issues from the 2004 legislative session. He thanked Regents and Joe Bryce for their hard work and testimonies during the session.

Chancellor Kirwan announced that Dr. Susan Schwab has been appointed president and CEO of the University of Maryland Foundation, Inc. beginning June 1, 2004. She will hold the title Vice Chancellor of Advancement also. He thanked John Dillon for his efforts as interim Foundation president and vice chancellor.

3. Strategic Plan - Chancellor Kirwan presented an overview of the Revised 2010 USM Strategic Plan. (Copies on file with the minutes). Motion to approve by Regent Wood, seconded by Regent Rosapepe.

Regent Rosapepe made two suggestions regarding language change in the section on tuition.

The Chancellor viewed the suggestions as constructive and very consistent with the Board's statement of principles past in December 2003.

Regent Kendall suggested that the plan be approved as it stands with edits added to the final document.

Unanimously approved with edits.

Chancellor Kirwan then thanked Anthony Foster, Associate Vice Chancellor, for his hard work on the plan.

C. Reports of the Advisory Councils

1. President Gira presented the report of the Council of University Presidents. Presidents are spending a great deal of time in Annapolis and preparing testimony to defend their budgets. She thanked the Regents and Chancellor for presenting the cases for the institutions in such a positive manner.

2. Dr. Siegel, chair of the Council of University System Faculty, presented CUSF's report thanking the regents and chancellor for representing the USM so effectively in the press and with the legislature. CUSF will hold its February meeting in Annapolis. Also, CUSF will sponsor a Student Research Poster Session on February 12 from 1-4 p.m. in the House Office Building.

3. Mr. Joe Hill presented the report of the Council of University System Staff. Items of interest to CUSS include distribution of merit funding; Exempt and Non Exempt Alcohol and Drug Policy, and enhancement of many of the USM institutions Employee Assistance Programs. (Report on file with the minutes.)

4. Regent Shockley presented the report for the University System Student Council from the most recent meeting.

D. Report of the Committee on Finance

1. Minutes of the January 22, 2004 meeting were approved.

2. USM Opening Fall 2003 Enrollments - presented for information.

Regent Nevins made a motion that Items 3, 4, 5, be placed on the consent agenda. Seconded by Regent Wood

3. UMCP: Increase Authorization for Stamp Student Union Renovation and Addition.

4. FSU: Dining Services Contract

5. Salisbury University Facilities Master Plan 2003-2012

Items were unanimously approved.

E. Report of the Committee on Education Policy presented by Regent Florestano.

1. Minutes from the meeting of January 21, 2004 approved.

2. New Program Proposals:

TU: ScD in Applied Information Technology (AIT) - moved for approval by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Nevins, unanimously approved.

UMCP: Master of Arts and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Jewish Studies; moved for approval by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Nevins, unanimously approved.

3. Funding Models for 1862-1890 Land-Grant Programs (information)

Chancellor Kirwan and Vice Chancellor Goldstein will provide additional information at a future meeting.

4. Middle States Periodic Review Report on Coppin State College: 2003 (information). Regent Hug complimented Dr. Battle and the staff for the positive evaluation. Regent Houghton complimented the Coppin IT staff. Report on file with the Chancellor's Office.

5. Campus Crime Reports (information). Report on file in the Chancellor's Office.

Regent Wood asked if there was a way that non-students could be separated out from students in the reports. Dr. Kirwan stated that the reporting requirements are set by the National Department of Education but we will explore doing an addendum in the future.

F. New Business

1. E&E Workgroup report was presented by Regent Kendall. Several areas have been identified where we can make improvements. The group has noted criticisms/observations made of the System from outside sources; as items are addressed, we are publicizing the outcomes. Examples include salaries and staffing levels. An RFP has been issued for consultants to help assist the workgroup.

2. Public Corporation Workgroup report presented by Regent Johnson. We have received the commitment to sponsor legislation from the Governor's Office for SB738 that will restate the autonomy of the system and provide the USM with better position control. Other legislation the workgroup has supported includes the continuation of program approval authority and common trust legislation. Regent Johnson thanked Joe Bryce for his assistance as well as the presidents for their input.

3. Regent Wood presented the report of the Resource Development Workgroup. He stated that the group had developed a list of nine items that had come out of meetings with presidents including the development of campus-based capital campaigns.

G. Adjournment: 12:45 p.m.

University System of Maryland
3300 Metzerott Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1690, USA