This is a upgrade guide to version 4.8. 1. The ui.jqgrid.css file should be replaced with the last one. 2. Language files (grid.locale-xx.js) should be replaced with the last one. If this is not performed a error will appear and grid will not be build. 3. The method GridUnload - i.e $("#grid").jqGrid('GridUnload') does not have effect. Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.gridUnload('#jqGridId'); where jqGridId is the id of the grid 4. The method GridDestroy - i.e $("#grid").jqGrid('GridDestroy') does not have effect. Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.gridDestroy('#jqGridId'); where jqGridId is the id of the grid 5. The method jqGridImport - i.e $("#grid").jqGrid('jqGridImport',options) does not have effect. Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.jqGridImport('#jqGridId', options); where jqGridId is the id of the grid