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Council of University System Faculty

CUSF Meeting of September 17, 2002



SEPTEMBER 17, 2002

Delegates Present: Drs. D. Parker (Chair), P. Alreck (SU), F. Alt (UMCP), A. Alcott (CSC), Z. Berge (UMBC), V. Brannigan (UMCP), C. Burry (UMB), E. Chapin (Past Chair), R. Chenette (UMB), J. Collins (UMBI), M. Diriker (SU), J. Gelatt (UMUC), S. Gibson (UB), S. Havas (UMB), B. Laufer (TU), J. Lombardi (FSU, alternate), M. McClive (FSU), B. Noonan (UMES), A. Norcio (UMBC), K. Olson (UMCP), J. Organ (BSU), W.E. Orser (UMBC), A. Pandey (SU), L. Richardson (UB), M. Siegel (TU), C. Smith (UMCP), D. Spinner (UMES), J. Zimmerman (TU, alternate).

Delegates Excused: P. Alt (TU)

Delegates Absent: R. Jagus (UMBI), M. Mumper (FSU)

Guests: Dr. C. Dan Mote, UMCP President; Dr. Ruth Robertson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Dr. Parker called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. Dr. Carl Smith introduced UMCP President, Dr. C.D. Mote. Dr. Mote welcomed everyone and gave a history of Shared Governance at both Berkeley and UMCP. He stated that the structure of shared governance at UMCP was different from Berkeley in that at Berkeley it is faculty dominant, with no role for students and staff. He also stated that the relationship between the UMCP Senate and the administration appears to be a good working relationship. He hopes that the Senate will take on more issues where the campus community needs support, such as the Facilities Master Plan. Dr. Mote stated that he finds the Senate’s efforts valuable and continues to ask for their support. Dr. Mote then answered questions about Shared Governance, Review of Administrative Faculty and the lack of math and writing skills students enter universities with, although they have high standardized test scores.

Chair's Report: - Dr. Parker gave the following information

1. Regents' Faculty Awards - CUSF will select at least two faculty members from different comprehensive institutions and at least two from different research institutions. CUSF will select one additional faculty member from either a comprehensive institution or a research institution. Dr. Ruth Robertson is the USM staff member on the committee. The Chair asked if anyone is interested.

2. MHEC Faculty Advisory Committee - Dr. Memo Diriker is going.

3. Chancellor Kirwan will join us at the 11/20/02 CUSF Meeting at BSU from approximately 11:30 - 1:00. It was difficult to schedule him earlier due to his many commitments.

4. The Senate Chairs' Meeting with the CUSF Executive Committee will take place on 10/29/02.

5. Associate Vice-Chancellor for Governmental Relations very important to USM.

A. United Voice Task Force for Maryland Higher Education

B. USM Maintaining the Momentum - slide show, B. of V.'s, Local Governments, Alumni,faculty, etc.

C. CUSF's Legislative Affairs Committee

6. Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Search - Chair has communicated with Chancellor Kirwan and Faculty will be involved.

7. Coppin State College Presidential Search - finalists will be on campus. This search was conducted in the manner CUSF recommended and which had previously been agreed to by Regents.

8. Coherence and Compatibility of Bioscience Programs Biosciences Work Group, Biotechnology Strategy Team

9. The Regents' Education Policy Committee There is a change in two dates January 22, 2003 at UMB and March 19, 2003 at UB

10. BOR is concerned about student housing at all USM campuses.

11. Students Evaluation of Faculty, Student Housing, Shared Governance, Tuition and Fees. These issues will require our coordination.

12. NTTF - no new benefits, existing policies and best policies will be restated

Dr. Parker asked all to peruse the new agenda format for upcoming CUSF meetings. He said that action items will need to be in writing prior to the start of the meeting.

USM Report

Dr. Ruth Robertson brought greetings from the USM Office. She said that maintaining the momentum is on the minds of Don Boesch and Brit Kirwan. Today, the message we maintain at the grassroots level is as effective as possible, particularly in the budgetary process. We need to do something active. Why is it more important to support Higher Education at USM? Email points to Dr. Robertson or Dr. Parker. USM to remain strong and grow - why it is better to support us - need bullet points. Faculty are working with the products (i.e., students).

If state cuts take place, programs will suffer.

Regents Faculty Awards: multiple awards - teaching, scholarship, mentoring, and collaboration. Deadline is 12/6/02 Information is posted on the USM website (see link on CUSF web site) and must come through each campus President s Office.

Questions arose concerning Elkins Professorships; Dr. Robertson will look into and get back to us.

Two questions from the June 2002 meeting were addressed: Disaster Recovery Plans for Libraries and Emergency planning.

Approval of Minutes: The June 2002 meeting minutes were approved with minor changes.

Discussion began about the short and long-term goals of CUSF. Dr. Parker said that each meeting will be spent examining action items. It is important for members to get these action items to the Chair prior to the CUSF meetings. Committees and their members convened at 11:00 am and were asked to begin discussion about their tasks for the upcoming year. The charge of each committee and its members is to decide what are the critical issues; what do you want to propose as a body and what can be dealt with critically.

CUSF as a whole reconvened at 12:40 pm. The following are reports from each of the Committee Chairs:

Legislative Affairs - Dr. Memo Diriker (Co-Chair): Main issue is budget. Major news about budget will not be heard until after November. CUSF needs to provide a unified face, work at the grass roots level, and maintain a line. We have 2-3 legislative sessions where CUSF will have to represent faculty. CUSF needs to pay attention not only to USM appropriation, but also other issues such as role of USM and K-12 issues.

Dr. Lee Richardson (Co-Chair): It will take a great deal of organizing on anything related to budget. CUSF is on record in terms of collective bargaining. To make anything happen we as a body need to organize our campuses. If we organize our campuses now, we can be ready for the next legislative session. We need to begin working with labor representatives and campuses to be ready.

Faculty Affairs - Dr. Vince Brannigan (Chair): We are on record to Dr. Kirwan about CUSF s votes in the past regarding collective bargaining, We need to stay on top of that. Stephanie Gibson will take on issue of collective bargaining and shared governance. CUSF in the past two years unanimously voted for the right of faculty to choose collective bargaining.

Dr. Frank Alt. Individual Faculty issues. Tenure and non-tenure track faculty issues. Retention purposes - how many campuses received retention monies; Salary distribution across campuses (question arose about merit and when there are no monies do faculty have to go through the merit process. Ruth Robertson will check into whether that is a USM policy. It is also part of the P&T process, it s not just about receiving monies but about recognition)

Dr. Pam Alreck. Gender issues in line positions (Deans and Chairs) - will contact one person at each institution to gather that information.

Another issue the committee will address is the interaction with Academic Affairs and how faculty are assigned to programs and are programs being overloaded with students and under loaded with faculty

Dr. Steve Havas indicated that the Committee would come back to the October 14th meeting with a motion for CUSF to vote on amending the BOR grievance policy to allow appeal to the USM when BOR policies are being violated and the grievance procedure is not working adequately on a campus to address that.

Academic Affairs - Dr. Martha Siegel (Chair): Discussion about what happened at AAAC summer retreat in August 2002. John Collins was at that retreat and plans to attend all AAAC meetings this year. He will submit brief reports to CUSF. There were four areas discussed (1) K-16 workgroup, CUSF will try to encourage more momentum and support for what was 3-unit approach to education (MHEC, MSDE and USM). Issues of seamlessness between community colleges and 4 yr. institutions. Particularly in terms of the agreements and how they are implemented. CUSF needs to support the system. It will also be important for us to examine transfer students and the course content that they come to the 4 yr institutions with; (2) Issues about alternative routes to certification in teacher education; recognizing that there are many internal issues at each institution. Brigid Noonan is representative on K-16 workgroup. (3) Technology Fluency on agenda for 9/18/02 BOR Ed Policy meeting; funding for professional development and infrastructure.

Issue of policy on tenure and non-tenure faculty; should go to Faculty Affairs and is on the agenda for 9/18/02 BOR Ed Policy meeting. CUSF needs to look into programs and the issue of quality control versus programmatic level.

Pay for part-time faculty, benefits for full-time non-tenure track faculty (Presidents are in favor, but there are no monies for this issue this year). Suggestion to talk with Don Boesch for individuals involved in part-time/full-time faculty issues.

Domestic partners - BOR supports benefits for domestic partners, however it was stated this is not the time for BOR to make a commitment to that effort.

Administration/Finance - Dr. Carl Smith (Chair):  Reported that budget data is needed from each of the campuses, and they are in the process of collecting this data. The issues the committee is concerned with are (1) privatization and its impact on faculty and staff; (2) absorbing budget cuts in such a way as to protect the pedagogical mission and quality of environment for faculty and staff; and (3) the equity between public funding of public higher education and public funding of private higher education.

Discussion on the political power of aspirational peers and its importance took place. A list of peers that gives the appearance of making us look good, when in reality we are not needs to be obtained and addressed at the campus level. The CUSF Chair will obtain this information. Further discussion surrounded how to choose aspirational peers.

Membership/Rules Dr. Barbara Laufer (Chair):  According to the CUSF Bylaws (2/19/02) Article 2.2 reapportionment will occur every three years in August (began in 1993) and is scheduled to take place at this time. According to Article 2.3 membership will be based on current FTF at each campus as determine by the Standing Committee on Nominations (which is now the Membership and Rules Committee). The committee suggests that the Bylaws (2.3) be changed to reflect current name of this standing committee.

According to the FTF reported to the system by the various campuses, appearing as a CUSF link, FTF are as follows:

Campus CUSF Current 1999 FTF Reapportionment
Bowie 2 164 No change
Coppin 2 113 No change
Frostburg 2 239 No change
Salisbury 3 261 No change
Towson 3 521 No change
UB 2 151 No change
UMB 4 1175 No change
UMBC 3 500 No change
UMBI 2* 170 *(+1)   Bylaws
UMCES 1 98 No change
UMCP 6 2461 No change
UMES 2 131 No change
UMUC 1 1373  +4
TOTAL 33   38

*Bylaws changes unanimously approved 2/19/02 removed the prohibition which restricted institutions with a primary, non-teaching research mission to one representative; the new result of which provided for one more representative for UMBI. Given that there were no caveats as to when this change would take effect (e.g., at the next scheduled reapportionment) the assumption is that it would become effective immediately and a second representative from UMBI has been elected.

However, the issue of reapportionment raises a number of Action Items for CUSF to address:

1. Should 2.2 Bylaws be changed in terms of FTF proportionality? Would there ever be a cap in terms of total number of representatives? Should there be a cap given that there are a number of vacancies for delegates and alternates? Committee thinking is that if this is the will of Council that it not become effective until next reapportionment cycle in 2005.

2. Should 2.3 Bylaws be changed in August? Given that Council does not traditionally meet in August this seems problematic especially when respective campuses would not be in session to elect any additional representatives. Would reapportionment be better done in early part of the year in order to facilitate Spring campus elections for Fall terms? Which data set for FTF, i.e., fiscal year data as of 7/1 from data journal or FTF reported to federal government as of 10/31?

3. Should Article II Section 1 of Constitution be changed? There is NO indication as to when faculties elect their representatives to CUSF nor is there any mention as to when they begin their 3-year terms.

Dr. Laufer suggested that, since the reapportionment had not yet taken place, UMBI may not be entitled to seat its recently elected second delegate. Dr. Collins objected strenuously to this idea, noting that for some time UMBI has had more faculty than several USM institutions which already have two CUSF delegates, and that this was not a matter of reapportionment. Dr. Collins said that recent changes to the CUSF By-Laws merely removed a cap which previously had limited UMBI and UMCES to one delegate. After a few minutes, discussion on this issue was cut off by the Chair in the interest of time. Dr. Parker said that the matter would be dealt with later as part of a broader discussion of what further By-Laws changes may be needed.

Other Business

For the past year, the faculty at the School of Medicine (UMB) has been working on by-laws for faculty (~1000 faculty). Dr. Havas recommended the following motion: In the spirit of shared governance, CUSF unanimously and strongly recommends that the BOR Ed Policy Committee accept the UMB School of Medicine faculty assembly by-laws, as approved by the school of medicine faculty, rather than make any changes to these by-laws. (The motion was unanimously approved).

Alcott Arthur - Faculty Diversity Issue - October 12, 2002 at Towson University - $20.00 registration fee. Chancellor Kirwan will give the luncheon talk.

Next meeting will take place at Frostburg State University on the 14th of October. Dr. McClive will get information out to everyone regarding directions and parking.

The meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.

University System of Maryland
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