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ICC Workgroup

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The ICC (formerly known as the Inter-Campus Committee) was established to facilitate the sharing of ideas among seven working groups of Maryland public institution professionals from different areas of higher education administration and, academic support and student services.

(To view a working group membership list, click on the name of the group.)

Academic Policy

The Academic Policy working group reviews and discusses academic policies as they exist at the USM institutions. The committee collects and reports data from system schools and makes recommendations concerning system wide policies when asked to do so. The committee consists of academic administrators selected by individual USM institutions. Examples of issues addressed by this committee in years past include: criteria for graduation with honors, academic advising, transfer policies and dismissal practices.


The Admissions working group works to maintain communication, share different Admission strategies, consider changes to admissions policies, and to be kept aware of changing trends in Admission standards. The group continues to work on the following agenda items, keeping apprised of the current issues in college admissions such as the use of standardized test scores (SAT/ACT), K-16 statewide initiatives, and fair practices in our admissions practices.


The primary goals of the Articulation working group include working to implement policies and procedures that facilitate the movement of students between and among USM institutions, secondary schools, community colleges and other educational segments. Specifically, the group works to improve the transition for transfer students by enhancing the quality of articulation services and coordination between postsecondary education segments. The key objectives and activities of the group include, the review and discussion of procedures for the implementation of state regulations and Board of Regents policies in the various academic and student support areas as it relates to admissions, advising, and transfer articulation, working to enhance the implementation of ARTSYS, the computerized articulation system, at the institutions, improve the efficiency of transfer students' academic status assessment, and discussion of ways to increase student and advisor access to transfer information.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid professionals work together to decide on techniques to ease the financial aid process for students, understand and implement financial aid requirements of the Federal Government, and provide the most financial opportunities to students enrolling in Maryland institutions.

Graduate and Professional Studies

The Graduate and Professional Studies working group includes representatives from the graduate and professional schools at all USM institutions. They are professionals working in the areas of admissions, academic policy and advising. The agenda they have set for the upcoming year includes: identify tasks and responsibility of the individual Graduate Administrator, begin a state chapter of the National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals, and to move meetings and decision making into a virtual format.

Institutional Research

The institutional research offices for the institutions of the public four-year institutions serve the administration, the institution's community, the public, the legislature, the higher education community, and the federal government. Primary functions include: coordinating research and reporting activities; conducting analytical studies that are essential to university planning, policy development, and decision-making; and preparing and disseminating statistical information for the public.

As a group, we work together to share ideas on common problems and identify ways in which we can maintain consistency in data, analyses, and interpretations across institutions. We respond to system-wide issues on institutional reporting, policy, planning, program evaluation, and accountability. It is our goal to preserve data integrity, to maintain consistency and accuracy of reporting over time, and to uphold ethical and political sensitivity. As part of our group effort, we seek to foster cooperative relationships between all Maryland higher education institutions, peer institutions, and other educational segments and state and federal agencies.

Records and Registration

The Records and Registration working group considers issues such as the academic calendar, Inter Institutional Enrollment policy and procedures, ways in which institutions might collaborate to improve services to students, and the changing role of records and registration professionals.

University System of Maryland
3300 Metzerott Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1690, USA