Open Educational Resources

Advancing Postsecondary Student Success Through OER: A Statewide Summit on Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

Advancing Postsecondary Student Success Through OER: A Statewide Symposium on Open Educational Resources was a day-long summit that brought together faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and administrators from across Maryland’s higher education institutions to explore the promise of using open educational resources (OER) to replace costly textbooks with affordable, high-quality learning materials while giving instructors the opportunity to repurpose content to meet their students’ needs.

Call for Proposals: Poster Showcase and Presentation at Advancing Postsecondary Success Through OER Summit

Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative LogoAre you passionate about the use of OER and interested in engaging others in adopting OER by sharing your experiences – both what has worked and what hasn’t? Have you created new open content within your field or discipline? Do you have OER content adoption strategies to share? Have you seen significant savings with respect to student course costs? Has the use of OER led to broader redesigns of courses? Greater student engagement or student learning?

M.O.S.T. High-impact OER Mini-Grant Program Guide

In Spring 2017, the University System of Maryland's William E. Kirwan Center launched the Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) initiative High-impact OER Mini-Grant program to target high-enrollment general education courses with existing high-quality OER.  In Fall 2017, the Mini-Grant program has the potential to impact over 8,000 students in two- and four-year Maryland public higher education institutions with over $1.3 million in textbook savings. To document the development process of the High-impact OER Mini-Grant program, the Kirwan Center has released a guide to support the creation of institutional and system-wide OER mini-grant programs.
