The University System of Maryland (USM) has been invited to partner with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) to participate in their Lumina-funded national project to develop pilots for the Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR).
The goal of the Comprehensive Learner Record is to capture a student’s complete picture of learning, from the earliest stages of planning to their achievements and competencies. The Comprehensive Learner Record standard (formerly called Extended Transcript) is a new generation of secure, verifiable digital records for learners that contain all nature of learning experiences and achievements including courses, competencies, skills, co-curricular achievements, prior learning, internships, and experiential learning. For a quick overview, EDUCAUSE recently published a “7 Things You Should Know About the CLR.”
The IMS Global Consortium in partnership with IMS members are collaborating on designing this next-generation digital transcript that provides relevant and verifiable information to institutions and employers. UMUC was one of early adopters and did a pilot among business students using the CLR. The outcome is an example of a modern, web-friendly learner record, structured yet flexible enough to meet the needs of learners, registrars, and employers. The vision for the learner record is transformative in its potential, beyond providing relevant student competencies and skills.
Based on IMS Global's work in digital credentials, the Comprehensive Learner Record closely follows developing guidance from AACRAO (registrars) and NASPA (student affairs), while leveraging the Open Badges standard and those of the W3C. The vision for the Comprehensive Learner Record is a secure, student-centered digital record that is future-ready and future-proof.