(Adelphi, Md., Oct. 26, 2015) – William E. Kirwan Center Director MJ Bishop set the direction for the 12th annual International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, revisiting instructional message design’s objectivist learning theory and transmission-oriented communication theory foundations, discussing current trends and issues being raised in the literature, and exploring ways the field might continue to serve as a “linking science” between learning theory and instructional practice. In her keynote address, Dr. Bishop provided recommendations for a revised guiding theoretical framework based in conversation theory, a broader definitional focus that looks at more than just optimizing cognitive processing, and a new systems view of our approach to research in this area.
The blind peer-reviewed conference [http://celda-conf.org/] held at Maynooth University in Dublin, Ireland, addressed issues concerned with the learning processes and supporting pedagogues and applications in the digital age.
Read more about her address at http://celda-conf.org/keynote-speaker/