
February 28, 2017

USM and edX to Launch MicroMasters Programs, Which May Accelerate Path to Advanced Degrees. Non-Degree Programs in Bioinformatics, Cloud Computing, Instructional Design and Technology, and Software Testing and Verification, will be offered by national online education leader UMUC.

The MicroMasters® programs align perfectly with our mission to provide a quality, accessible, and affordable pathway to an education.
February 9, 2017

Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative

Apply for a mini-grant to adopt/adapt OER or scale OER efforts at your institution.
October 3, 2016

New Designs for Learning: Games and Gamification gathered instructional designers, faculty, and academic leaders from across the University System of Maryland to explore how games and gamification can reinvigorate courses, boost student engagement, and enhance student learning. The Symposium featured Dr.

Can thinking like a game designer enhance instruction and motivate learners?
