USM Financial Aid Task Force to Discuss

Recommendations to Improve Affordability for Students


ADELPHI, Md (September 23, 2004) - The University System of Maryland (USM) Financial Aid Task Force at its next meeting will review the draft recommendations it developed to help ensure that USM institutions are affordable and accessible to qualified students. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10 am Wednesday, September 29. It will be in the President's Conference Center West 1 of the Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen St., Annapolis.

USM Chancellor William E. Kirwan appointed the task force in June to study undergraduate, graduate, and professional school financial aid issues. He charged the group to:

  • survey best financial aid practices at comparable systems and institutions;
  • review current financial aid policies and practices at USM institutions;
  • consider ways to improve the efficiency of financial aid operations;
  • develop creative strategies for enhancing financial aid resources;
  • recommend policies that will ensure the ability of USM institutions to provide access and affordability for all qualified students.

Chaired by Nancy Kopp, Treasurer of the State of Maryland, the task force members are:

  • David Buchanan, Provost, Salisbury University
  • Dominic Cirincione, a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, representing the USM Student Council
  • Vince Conti, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, University of Maryland University College
  • Janice Doyle, Assistant Secretary for Finance Policy, Maryland Higher Education Commission
  • Patricia Florestano, Member, USM Board of Regents
  • Senator P. J. Hogan, Maryland General Assembly
  • Jeremy Horine, Student Regent, USM Board of Regents
  • Angela Hovatter, Director of Financial Aid, Frostburg State University
  • Richard Hug, Member, USM Board of Regents
  • Earl Jenkins, Vice President for Student Affairs, Coppin State University
  • Donald Kiah, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management, Bowie State University
  • Barbara Klein, Associate Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • Barbara Miller, Director of Financial Aid, University of Baltimore
  • C. D. Mote, President, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Vince Pecora, Director of Financial Aid, Towson University
  • Delegate James E. Proctor, Jr., Maryland General Assembly
  • Thelma Thompson, President, University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Chancellor Kirwan is scheduled to attend the September 29 meeting, which will be the task force's final meeting. The group plans to submit its final report to Kirwan this fall. Following review by the system's institutional presidents and other constituent groups, the report and recommendations will be submitted to the Finance and Education Policy committees of the USM Board of Regents, and finally to the full board.

Contact: Anne Moultrie

Phone: 301/445-2722