Bowie State University (BSU)

Thurgood Marshall Library

February 16, 2007

AGENDA FOR PUBLIC SESSION                       9:30 A.M.


A.  Call to Order                  Chairman Kendall

B.  Welcome from BSU       President Burnim

C.  Committee of the Whole  Regent Kendall

  1. Approval of minutes from December 16, 2006 (action)
  2. Chancellor Kirwan's Report                      Chancellor Kirwan
  3. Report on Governor's Higher Education
    Transition Team                      Dr. Hrabowski

D.  Report of Councils

  1. Council of University System Presidents         President Thompson
  2. Council of University Faculty                         Dr. Parker
  3. Council of University System Staff                 Mr. Lauer
  4. University System of Student Council             Mr. Bailey

E.  Education Policy Committee                     Regent Florestano

  1. Report on the Task Force on the Education of Maryland's African-American Males (action)
  2. New Academic Program Proposals
  3. a. Towson University, B.A. in Art History (action)
    b. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, B.A. in Media and Communication Studies (action)
    c. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, B.A. in Gender and Women's Studies (action)
    d. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Ph.D. in Geography and Environmental Systems (action)
    e. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, M.A. in Management of Aging Services (action)
    f. University of Maryland University College, B.S. in Information Assurance (action)
    g. University of Maryland University College, B.S. in Emergency Management (action)
    h. University of Maryland University College, B.S. Homeland Security (action)
  4. Middle States Commission on Higher Education: Reaffirmation of Accreditation - UMES (information)
  5. Report on the Workload of the USM Faculty (information)
  6. Maryland Higher Education Commission Student Outcome and Achievement Report (information)
  7. Report on USM Institutional SAT Profile (information)

F.  Finance Committee                                   Regent Pevenstein

  1. University System of Maryland: FY 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets (information)
  2. University of Maryland, College Park: Increase Authorization for the Conversion of the Cole Student Activities Building Swimming Pool (action)
  3. University of Maryland, College Park: Request Authorization for North Campus Storm Water Drainage Improvements (action)
  4. University System of Maryland: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2006 (information)
  5. University System of Maryland: Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)

G.  Audit and Inst. Assessment Committee       Regent Gill


H.  Capital Campaign Workgroup                   Regent Krongard

I.  Effectiveness and Efficiency Workgroup    Regent Nevins