Chancellor Kirwan Begins Review of UMB Legislative Audit

University System of Maryland Statement on
February 2010 Legislative Audit of University of Maryland, Baltimore
February 18, 2010

The most recent legislative audit of the University of Maryland, Baltimore was discussed by the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents and USM Chancellor William E. Kirwan in an executive session of the full board February 12, 2010.  

Chancellor Kirwan and the board take the audit findings very seriously. The board has authorized the chancellor to begin an immediate investigation of the issues outlined in the February 2010 report. They are committed to a swift and thorough review, and at its conclusion, will take decisive and corrective actions as necessary.

The report is available at Office of Legislative audits Report on University of Maryland, Baltimore

Contact: Anne Moultrie
Phone: 301.445.2722