University System of Maryland at Hagerstown
The Lobby
April 15, 2011


1. Call to OrderChairman Kendall

2. Welcome from the University System of Maryland at HagerstownDr. Warner

3. Committee of the WholeChairman Kendall

a. Chancellor's Report (information)
b. Conferring of Regents' Faculty Awards — Chairman Kendall and Chancellor Kirwan
  1. Teaching: Dr. Diana Emanuel, TU
  2. Teaching: Dr. C. Steve Knode, UMUC
  3. Teaching: Dr. Susan R. Komives, UMCP
  4. Teaching: Dr. Edna D. Simmons, CSU
  5. Collaboration in Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity: Dr. William Bentley, UMCP and Dr. Gregory Payne, UMCP
  6. Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity: Dr. Brian Fath, TU
  7. Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity: Dr. Heike Raphael-Hernandez, UMUC, Europe
  8. Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity: Dr. E. Michael Richards, UMBC
  9. Mentoring: Dr. E. Kathryn Klose, UMUC
  10. Mentoring: Dr. Roland Roberts, TU
  11. Mentoring: Dr. James Saunders, TU
  12. Public Service: Dr. Gerald LaFemina, FSU
  13. Public Service: Dr. Jonathan Lazar, TU
  14. Public Service: Dr. Margaret Palmer, UMCES
  15. Public Service: Dr. Bruce Walz, UMBC
  16. Effectiveness & Efficiency: Dr. Anne S. Turkos, UMCP
c. Approval of meeting minutes from February 11, 2011 Public Session (action)
d. Approval of notes from February 11, 2011 Executive Session (action)
e. Citation for Dr. Robert Caret (action)
f. BOR Nominating Committee (action)
g. Biennial Nonexempt Market Salary Survey Report - Nonexempt Staff Employees Salary Structure (action)

4. Report of Councils

a. Council of University System Presidents — President Burnim
b. Council of University System Faculty — Dr. Shirazi
c. Council of University System Staff — Mr. Brown
d. University System of Maryland Student Council — Ms. Streets

5. Education Policy CommitteeRegent Florestano

a. Approval of minutes from March 16, 2011 Public Session (action)
b. New Academic Program Proposal: University of Maryland University Substantial Modification of the Bachelor's of Technical/Professional Studies (BTPS) in Biotechnology and the BTPS in Laboratory Management (Action)
c. Cultural Diversity Progress Reports (action)
d. Report on General Education at the University of Baltimore (information)
e. P-20 Update (information)
f. Extramural Funding Report (information)
g. Campus Crime Reports, 2009 (information)
h. USM Enrollment Projections, 2011-2020 (information)

6. Finance CommitteeRegent Kelly

a. Approval of minutes from March 17, 2011 Public Session(action)
b. Approval of notes from March 17, 2011 Closed Session (action)
c. USM Enrollment Projections: 2011-2020 (action)
d. University System of Maryland: Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2012 (action)
e. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Dental Student Clinics Management Contract (action)
f. University of Maryland University College: Marketing and Advertising Contract (action)
g. University of Maryland University College: Renovation of the UMUC Inn & Conference Center (action)
h. Towson University: Increase in Authorization for Campus Safety and Circulation Project (action)
i. University of Baltimore: Facilities Master Plan Update (information)
j. University System of Maryland: Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)

7. Audit and Inst. Assessment CommitteeRegent Shea

a. Approval of notes from March 17, 2011 Closed Session (action)

8. Committee on AdvancementRegent Gossett

9. Economic Development and Technology Commercialization CommitteeRegent Attman

a. Approval of minutes from March 17, 2011 Public Session (action)
b. Approval of notes from March 17, 2011 Closed Session (action)
c. Economic Development and Technology Commercialization Committee By-law Changes (action)

10. Effectiveness & Efficiency CommitteeRegent Slater

a. Approval of minutes from March 16, 2011 Public Session (action)
b. E&E Committee BOR By-laws Changes (action)
c. Dashboard Indicators: Future Directions and Process (information)
d. Recommendations of the Administrative Vice Presidents: Status (information)
e. Towson University Trimester Pilot: Update (information)

11. Reconvene to Executive Session (action)Chairman Kendall