USM National Green Campus
News Archive

Week of January 23, 2012

News from Across the USM Campuses

UM study hits flaws in MD Smart Growth law: Citizen pushback, lack of infrastructure hinder dense development (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/19/12)

UM study hits flaws in MD Smart Growth law: Citizen pushback, lack of infrastructure hinder dense development (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/19/12)

Study: global warming related sea level rise poses big threat to Washington, D.C. (By Andrew Freedman, The Washington Post - Post Local, 1/17/12) [Study conducted by the University of Maryland]

State of Maryland News

CLIMATE CHANGE: Md. congresswoman to plunge into Potomac (DelMarVa, 1/21/12)

O'Malley 'flush fee' increase may fall short: Doubling to $5 a month still wouldn't cover all sewage upgrades (By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 1/20/12)

Labor wants guaranteed role in wind-power plan (By Michael Dresser, The Baltimore Sun, 1/20/12) 

USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

National and International News

U.S. Cuts Estimate for Marcellus Shale Gas Reserves by 66% (By Christine Buurma, Bloomberg News, 1/23/12)

America's Health Threat: Poor Urban Design (By Scott Carlson, The Chronicle of Higher Education - Research, 1/22/12)

Sunshade Geoengineering More Likely to Improve Global Food Security, Research Suggests (Science Daily, 1/22/12)

Fracking the World: Energy Companies Set Their Sights Globally - Africa, Latin America may see biggest growth in fracking (By Common Dreams Staff,, 1/20/12)

Pepco Spends More On Lobbying Than It Does In Taxes, Report Says (By Arin Greenwood, The Huffington Post, 1/19/12)

US Thirst for Fossil Fuels is Decimating Nature's Wildlife: Report - Beyond the polar bear: Survey of endangered species highlights animals, large and small, often neglected in popular discourse (By Common Dreams staff,, 1/19/12)

The real beneficiaries of energy subsidies: Don't buy the GOP's claims. Oil companies, not green alternatives, are making a killing from the government (By David Sirota, - Energy, 1/18/12)

The 8 to 80 Problem: Designing Cities for Young and Old (By John Lorinc, Atlantic Magazine - The Atlantic Cities, 1/18/12)

In Classrooms, Climate Change Is the New Evolution (By Michael Mechanic, Mother Jones - The Blue Marble Blog, 1/17/12)

Gas prices may get close to $5 in some spots (By James O'Toole, CNN Money Markets, 1/16/12)

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