Council of University System Faculty

CUSF Meeting of June 20, 2003

CUSF Minutes
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
June 20, 2003

Present: Drs. F. Alt (UMCP), P. Alt (TU), A. Arthur (CSC), V. Brannigan (UMCP - at large member), W.E. Chapin (Past-Chair), J. Collins (UMBI - Vice Chair), R.M. Garner (SU), J. Gelatt (UMUC), S. Gibson (UB - at large member), S. Havas (UMB), S. Jacobs (UMB), B. Laufer (TU), B. Noonan (UMES - Secretary), K. Olson (UMCP), D. Parker (Chair), L. Richardson (UB), J.C. Stevenson (UMCES). 

Excused:  P. Alreck (SU), C. Burry (UMB), R. Jagus (UMBI), J. Lombardi (FSU), M. McClive (FSU), A. Pandey (SU), M. Siegel (TU), C. Smith (UMCP), W. Stuart (UMCP)

Absent:  Z. Berge (UMBC), R. Chenette (UMB), A. Norcio (UMBC), J. Organ (BSU), W.E. Orser (UMBC)

Guests:  Dr. Steve Wilson, VP, UMCES; Dr. Ruth Robertson, USM, Dr. Stan Jacubik, USM, Dr. Don Spicer, USM

Dr. Parker began the meeting at 10:00 am and Dr. Court Stevenson introduced Dr. Steve Wilson, Vice President at UMCES.  He welcomed everyone to Horn Point and invited CUSF to enjoy the setting and the meeting.

CUSF Chair - Brief Reports:

Irv Goldstein was named as the new Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.  He is planning on attending the Executive Committee meeting September 19, although he does not officially begin until November 1, 2003)

Legislature, Governor, and the budget - no news

Approval of May minutes:  Minutes of May 15, 2003 meeting were approved

Coppin State College Situation:

May 15, 2003 - article published in the Chronicle of Higher Education was distributed to CUSF article about alleged degree awarding.  The CUSF Chair has begun discussion with 4 faculty members and 2 students.  In terms of how to continue, the CUSF Chair needs to get specificity about Shared Governance concerning CUSF responsibility.

Motion: CUSF Executive Committee develops a policy to facilitate an external appeal process whereby campus Shared Governance bodies may appeal decisions of their Presidents.  Such policy is to be forwarded to the Chancellor's Council no later than November 2003 (passed unanimously).

Motion: That CUSF direct Dr. Parker, on behalf of CUSF, to continue gathering information about the recent controversy surrounding the awarding of Master's degrees in Criminal Justice at Coppin State College.  That Dr. Parker reports these findings on a periodic basis to the CUSF Executive Committee, the Chancellor, and the Coppin State Senate.  That the CUSF Executive Committee be empowered to extend CUSF's involvement in this matter if circumstances so warrant (passed unanimously). 

Action ItemCreation of a Budget Strike Force

Motion: That CUSF support the creation of this kind of body, under CUSF, and direct Dr. Brannigan to begin organization of this body over the summer and report findings at the first CUSF meeting in September 2003 (passed unanimously).

Report:  PeopleSoft - Don Spicer and Stan Jakubik (USM)

Dr. Robertson introduced Dr. Don Spicer and Dr. Stan Jakubik.  The USM is going around to different stakeholder groups within the USM to talk about PeopleSoft.  Ten of the 11 institutions are implementing PeopleSoft. Not only a MD Higher Education issue, but a public sector issue (i.e., Oracle) - anti-trust issues.  A lot of individuals that Dr. Spicer has spoken with in the industry believe that it is corporate game playing. 

Discussion began with the history of how PeopleSoft came to the USM.  The USM tried to work with Oracle in exchange for software designed for the different campuses, however, that did not work out, and PeopleSoft presented a package that included a licensure agreement.  The USM office has spent a great deal of time in how to begin discussion about best practices.   The BOR and Chancellor view this as critical in the success of the future of the System, because the program had the latest technology.

At this point, nine out of ten campuses (excluding UMCES and UMBI) have major modules set up.  Each campus has chosen different phases (i.e., student, HR, or financial) to begin. 

Issues:  (1) Much of the impact was that there was no central direction from each of the campuses.  In other words, the process has been difficult, particularly registration from the campus point of view and the students point of view (are the end users being satisfied).  (2)  It will be important to communicate with the campuses that the system is here to stay, even though no input was given by faculty. 

  • Budget cuts - no news
    • Duration of faculty contracts:  12 versus 9 month contracts (need to be on top of this in terms of how contracts are handed out - contracts are being changed).
    • CUSF needs to think about the ramifications about these budget cuts (Dr. Parker emailed all the Presidents about involving each of the campuses in budget decisions, and to consult with Senate Chairs particularly as it relates to Shared Governance)
  • Evaluation of administrators:  CUSF Chair will send out another letter to the Senate Chairs asking to evaluate administrators 
  • UB - School of Business - did do an evaluation of administrators - large debate regarding how much feedback to give.  Record of every comment (unanimous) made about administrators.  The issue is should the feedback made be given to the administrators.  The consensus was that the information not be shared in a public forum. 
  • UB - School of Business - Dean was considering abolishing the Faculty School Senate.  The University Council sent a message that this was against University policy.  The Dean reconsidered, but suggested that they be appointed Chair (with no power).  A vote will be taken in August.  New by-laws will need to be written.  At the suggestion of the CUSF body, UB is being asked to look at the Shared Governance policy.  UB is in violation of the policy (i.e., Deans, Directors, etc., are not to be in positions of power). 
  • Faculty Affairs and Academic Affairs - Shared Governance and Working Conditions CUSF needs to find 2 chairs for these two committees within CUSF. 
AAAC - Dr. Collins reported that the representative for next year is still up in the air.  It is important to have continuity.  There is concern, among Academic Affairs, regarding diversity within the USM at the administrative level.

USM - Dr. Robertson reported that the Professional Commitment of Faculty has been passed (BOR needs to approve, and minutes of BOR are approved.  The policy will go on the website when the minutes are approved).  The policy currently being worked on is the Conflict of Interest.
  • Enrollment limitations - does USM know if the issue is serious and/or political?  Dr. Robertson reported that it is both.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research is another policy that is being worked on.
  • A question arose concerning whether a system is in place that is looking at how these budget cuts will affect minorities?  There are no numbers at this time to give an answer.

Carl Smith - has relapsed - interferes with ability to communicate, but not to think.  Please send cards and letters to home in Takoma Park.

Goodbyes were given to the members leaving CUSF (S. Havas, B. Laufer, and B. Noonan).

Adjournment - 1:45 pm