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Diversity and Inclusion Dashboard

This dashboard shows the number of underrepresented minority students, faculty, and staff studying, working, and/or teaching at USM institutions.

Filter by Year, Gender, and/or Major Discipline for Workforce Development


Ethnicity Categories

Underrepresented minority

Other Minority




Underrepresented Minority include the following races and ethnicities: African-American/Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian. Other Minority include those identifying with Asian and multiple races. Foreign status includes those who are not citizens or nationals of the United States and who are in the country on a visa or temporary basis.

Percentages are the proportion of each ethnicity category for that (fiscal) year. Totals at the top of the bars represent the total students, degrees, or personnel for that (fiscal) year. Hover over segments of the bar charts to see the exact counts.

Student Enrollment by Ethnicity

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