Transfer Students by Type of Sending Institution

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University System of Maryland
Transfer Students by Type of Sending Institution
FY 2023
School MD Community College USM Institutions MSU or SMCM MD Private Other Total Transfers
# of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total
Bowie State University
382 52%66 9%23 3%192 26%77 10%740 100%
Coppin State University
112 58%12 6%5 3%6 3%59 30%194 100%
Frostburg State University
281 55%19 4%2 0%5 1%205 40%512 100%
Salisbury University
388 58%76 11%4 1%19 3%182 27%669 100%
Towson University
1,659 68%177 7%43 2%82 3%479 20%2,440 100%
University of Baltimore
254 63%29 7%6 1%8 2%108 27%405 100%
University of Maryland Global Campus
3,017 12%743 3%71 0%122 0%21,949 85%25,902 100%
University of Maryland, Baltimore
289 56%132 25%4 1%5 1%88 17%518 100%
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
847 73%77 7%12 1%18 2%206 18%1,160 100%
University of Maryland, College Park
1,800 60%282 9%22 1%34 1%877 29%3,015 100%
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
86 58%10 7%1 1%1 1%51 34%149 100%
USM Totals
9,115 26%1,623 5%193 1%492 1%24,281 68%35,704 100%

Note: Transfers are the number of undergraduates enrolled for the first time at the institution with known prior undergraduate post-secondary experience. The students may or may not transfer credit.
MSU=Morgan State University; SMCM=St. Mary's College of Maryland; Other=known out-of-state instituitons or other unknown institutions

Source: USM Institutional Research Information System
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