Media Advisory - Finance Committee to Meet December 20
December 14, 2000
Regents' Finance Committee to Meet December 20 to Discuss
Collective Bargaining
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents' Committee on
Finance will meet in public session on Wednesday, December 20 at 10 a.m. to
discuss collective bargaining and the impact it would have on System
The full Board began a discussion of this issue at its meeting on December 8.
The meeting will take place in the atrium in the USM Office, 3300 Metzerott
Road in Adelphi, MD.
Full agenda and background information will be available at the meeting. Sign
language interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations for eligible
individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call
301/445-2756 (voice) or 301/314-7683 (TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739