Media Advisory - Regents Education Policy Committee to Meet November 14
November 10, 2000
Regents Education Policy Committee to Meet November 14 at Towson
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents Committee
on Education Policy will meet in regular public session on Tuesday, November
14 beginning at 9 a.m. in Rooms 314-316 of the University Union at
Towson University in Baltimore.
The committee will consider several
agenda items, including the following:
- New and revised faculty policies
pertaining to annual leave; appointment, rank and tenure; conduct, discipline
assistance and education for substance abuse; as well as a set of procedures
for appealing to the Board of Regents decisions to terminate tenured or
tenure-track faculty members for cause.
- Proposal by the University of
Maryland University College to create a set of ranks for non-tenure-track
faculty focused on teaching and service without official research
expectations. The new ranks would require a modification of USM policy
pertaining to appointment, rank and tenure.
- Proposed USM policy on
implementation and monitoring of recommendations of the Cult Task
- Program proposal for a bachelor of arts in African-American
studies with a minor in African studies at the University of Maryland Eastern
Full agenda and background information will be available at the
meeting. Sign language interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations
for eligible individuals with disabilities will be provided upon
request. Please call 301/445-2756 (voice) or 301/314-7683 (TTY/ITT) to make
special arrangements.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739
Pager: 301/507-2316