Media Advisory - Regents' Finance Committee to Meet March 14
March 12, 2002
Regents' Finance Committee to Meet March 14 at UMUC
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents' Committee on
Finance will meet in public session on Thursday, March 14 at approximately 10:45
a.m. in rooms 2100-02-04 in the Inn and Conference Center at the University of
Maryland University College, 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD.
The Committee will consider the following items:
- USM Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2003
- USM enrollment projections, 2002-2011
- 2001-2010 facilities master plan for the University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Increased funding for fire protection systems in residence halls and Greek
houses at the University of Maryland, College Park
- USM Service Center multi-vendor contract for the purchase and/or lease of
computer equipment and services for the USM and the Maryland Education
Enterprise Consortium
Full agenda and background information will be available at the meeting. Sign
language interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations for eligible
individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call
301/445-2756 (voice) or 301/314-7683 (TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739