Press Release - USM Staff Members Honored by Regents
July 10, 2002
Six USM Staff Members Honored by Board of Regents
The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents presented its 2002
Staff Awards to six USM institution staff members at its July 10 meeting at
Bowie State University.
"Each year staff members are recognized for making exceptional
contributions to their organizations, to students, and to the university
community," said Nathan A. Chapman, chairman of the Board. "I would
like to thank all of our awardees for their remarkable efforts at our
institutions and beyond, and to acknowledge the hard work of every USM staff
member. It is much appreciated."
Award winners are selected based on nominations and letters of support from
colleagues, culminating in a formal recommendation from the Council of
University System Staff. The Regents' Staff Awards, now in its third year,
represent the highest honor bestowed by the Board for achievements of the exempt
and non-exempt employees of the USM institutions. Each award carries a $1,000
prize, provided by the institutions and the University of Maryland Foundation.
The award-winning staff members and their respective categories are:
James R. Milani, Jr., director of administrative affairs for the College
of Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), in the
category of Exceptional Contribution to the Institution - Exempt. In his
nomination letter, Freeman Hrabowski, president of UMBC, said this 29-year
veteran employee "has tirelessly dedicated himself to the accomplishment of
UMBC's mission through his work with students, faculty and staff. Repeatedly
over the years, Jim has been described by his colleagues as a professional who
puts before any thought of himself the best interests of UMBC." Milani has
also provided leadership over the years to UMBC by being an active participant
in campus life. His extensive list of activities includes Professional Associate
Staff Senate president and vice-president; advisor to the UMBC Sexual Harassment
Advisory Network; member of the Employee of the Month Planning and Selection
Committee; member of the UMBC Environmental Health and Safety Committee, advisor
to the Students Against Destructive Decisions chapter; and co-creator and member
of the UMBC Alcohol Awareness Education Program; and more.
Susan E. Eisel, administrative assistant in the Department of Health,
Physical Education and Recreation (DHPER) at Frostburg State University (FSU),
in the category of Exceptional Contribution to the Institution - Nonexempt. In
his nomination letter, Robert Lewis, a professor in the DHPER, said that Eisel,
an employee for more than 35 years, "has performed astounding amounts of
work in managing the day-to-day business of the department.. She has made
exceptionally positive connections with a wide variety of students, faculty
members, administrators, and fellow staff members. She is so highly regarded
that virtually all of our former students who return to campus make a visit to
her office to greet her; she remembers every one of them." Eisel's list of
activities includes coordinator of the 32nd World Congress of the International
Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation; member of the Board of
Directors of the FSU Bobcat Club; member of the FSU President's Cabinet; member
of the faculty/staff campaign for the FSU Second Century Campaign, and many
Laura V. Mrozek, coordinator for the Environmental Law Program at the
University of Maryland School of Law, in the category of Outstanding Service to
Students - Exempt. In his nomination letter, Robert Percival, professor and
director of the Environmental Law Program, said this 15-year employee at the
university "has been the single person most responsible for transforming
the Environmental Law Program from a fledgling venture into a program
consistently recognized as one of the top five in the nation. The reason why
Laura has been so successful at helping students get the most out of their law
school experience is remarkably simple: she genuinely cares about them."
Mrozek's list of activities includes the creation of an Alumni-Student Mentoring
Program; founder and editor of the Environmental Law at Maryland newsletter;
creator of a job bank that has proven to be highly productive in generating job
leads for students, and much more.
Virginia Kellman, administrative assistant in the Student Judicial
Affairs Office at UMBC, in the category of Outstanding Service to Students -
Nonexempt. In his nomination letter, Pres. Hrabowski said of this 15-year
employee at UMBC, "She truly loves working with students, and that has made
her a superb team member who routinely provides services for students that go
far beyond her job description. . She is known for her kindness and quiet wisdom
in helping students during a difficult yet important moment in their college
years. Ginny Kellman is a resourceful and steady guide whose support for
students is instrumental to their success." Kellman's position includes
meeting and counseling students who are facing a disciplinary hearing or traffic
appeal, and she handles more than 350 cases a year.
Katherine Jean Reiner Martin, systems analyst and programmer in the
Office of Information Technology at the University of Maryland Dental School, in
the category of Extraordinary Public Service. In his nomination letter, Richard
Ranney, dean of the Dental School, said of this 13-year veteran employee,
"Even though Kathy Martin could be acknowledged for her outstanding
contributions to the School, we feel she deserves even more recognition for her
exceptional contributions to the community. For over 20 years, Kathy has been
involved with the organization 'Save Our Streams,' a statewide, volunteer-based,
environmental organization whose mission is to preserve and protect Maryland's
rivers and streams. Kathy has participated in all activities of this
organization as a volunteer and board member, and, since 2000, as president of
the Board of Directors." Martin's volunteer activities are not limited to
Save Our Streams. She recently completed a three-year term as president of the
Heritage Montessori PTA, and serves on the board of directors of the Perry Hall
Improvement Association and as chair for new program development for the Camp
Chapel United Methodist Church. Last spring, Martin inspired leaders of
community groups in the Bird River watershed to organize a large-scale
construction site inventory in the Bird River watershed and throughout the
Michael S. Embrey, an agricultural technician supervisor in the
Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), in
the category of Extraordinary Public Service - Nonexempt. In his nomination
letter, Galen Dively, professor in the Department of Entomology at UMCP, said
this 20-year veteran employee "has developed an outstanding educational
program for beekeepers and the general public. . Since 1996, Mike has been very
active in the Maryland State Beekeepers Association - serving on committees,
organizing meetings, giving presentations, and problem-shooting hive troubles
via on-site visits to member beekeepers.. He now writes a monthly newsletter,
Bee News, and is frequently requested as a speaker. Mike's volunteer work is
well recognized and viewed as valuable contributions to the Eastern Shore..
Furthermore, as a testimony to his public service to beekeepers, Extension
apiculturists in other states, especially in Delaware and Pennsylvania, have
relied on his help in regional workshops and research projects. More recently,
he has served as a volunteer consultant in several international training
programs in Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and Turkmenistan." Embrey also serves as
a Farmer-to-Farmer (FTF) volunteer for Winrock International in Turkmenistan and
Bangladesh, conducting apiary research, locating reliable sources for materials,
supplies, and equipment for the host farmers. While in Turkmenistan, he
co-launched a honey processing cooperative managed by women and began the
groundwork for developing a national beekeeper's association.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739