USM Board of Regents Committee on Education Policy and Student Life Meets January 7
Baltimore, Md. (Jan. 3, 2020) – The University System Board of Regents (BOR) Committee on Education Policy and Student Life at its next meeting will vote on a new academic program and hear several information items. The meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 7 in the Minnegan Room of Johnny Unitas Stadium at Towson University.
The new academic program is a B.A. in Real Estate and the Built Environment at the University of Maryland, College Park. The committee also will vote on a proposal for new academic ranks and titles at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Information items include an update on civic engagement and civic education, the five-year review of enrollment trends for new academic programs, and a report on recent extramural funding.
At the end of the public session, the committee will vote on whether to reconvene to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act. Those items are Regents’ Faculty Awards recommendations and nominations for honorary degrees.
Agendas for Board of Regents meetings are here. Maps and driving directions are here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719