Statement by USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman: Partial Refund of Student Fees

Baltimore, Md. (March 27, 2020)During this global health threat, the University System of Maryland (USM) is taking unprecedented action to protect the safety of our students and employees while maintaining the USM’s essential role as a public good in Maryland.

USM institutions currently remain open under Systemwide telework guidance and have made the transition to distance learning for the remainder of the semester. This means that residential students will not be returning to campus for instruction. Therefore, each of our universities will soon be announcing policies for the fair adjustment of a number of student fees, including the costs associated with room, board, parking, and athletics.

The leaders of our institutions recognize their responsibility to students and families whose lives and financial well-being have been disrupted by this crisis, and the decisions on each campus regarding fee refunds are being guided by that responsibility.

Refunds of fees will be calculated by each institution on a prorated basis. USM universities will soon be sharing refund information directly with their students.

Providing these refunds is a high priority among USM university leaders. I thank them for taking this step to support their students and families during this difficult time.

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Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719