Statement by the University System of Maryland on the Release of Final Title IX Rules by the U.S. Department of Education
Baltimore, Md. (May 7, 2020) -- The University System of Maryland is concerned about yesterday’s release of final Title IX rules by the U.S. Department of Education.
Our concern is twofold: first, the new rules impose a costly, expanded regulatory burden on our 12 institutions and three regional higher education centers, and we believe they may discourage survivors of sexual assault from stepping forward; and, second, the timing of the release in the midst of campus pandemic restrictions will greatly complicate our ability to fully implement these complex new rules in time for the coming academic year. In short, these new regulations will be counterproductive as well as costly to implement.
Despite our concerns regarding the timing and content of the new regulations, USM institutions remain committed to reducing incidents of sexual misconduct on campus, respecting the rights of every student, and providing an adjudicatory process that is fair to all participants. Providing a safe and healthy educational and work environment for our students, faculty and staff remains our highest priority.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719