USM Board of Regents Meets on Friday, February 11

Baltimore, Md. (Feb. 9, 2022) – The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents will meet at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 11.

The board will convene in the Southern Management Center of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), Elm Rooms A & B.

Seating in the meeting room will allow for social distancing.  Attendees must wear KN95 masks. Access to the meeting is also available via livestream at the following link:

The board will hold an education forum, “College Rankings,” presented by Ben Wildavsky of Wildavsky Education, LLC.  

Members of the public who wish to comment during the public comment period of the meeting are asked to email their comments in advance of the meeting to the following email address:

Items on the consent agenda include proposed amendments to bylaws and the charge for both the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Education Policy and Student Life. Information items include a review of capital improvement projects and updates on the strategic plans for the University of Maryland, College Park and the Universities at Shady Grove.

News releases regarding agenda items at prior meetings of regents standing committees can be found here.

The final item of the public session will be a board vote on whether to reconvene in closed session to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act. Exempted items include performance review meetings with two USM presidents; nominations for Regents’ Faculty Awards and honorary degrees; a collective bargaining memorandum of understanding; approval of merit increases for presidents and the chancellor; and a USM president’s transition agreement.

Agendas and supporting materials for Board of Regents meetings are here.


Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719