Three USM Board of Regents Committees to Meet on December 7
Baltimore, Md. (Dec. 5, 2022) – Three committees of the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 7.
The USM Board of Regents Committee on Governance & Compensation will meet at 8:30 a.m. Access to the meeting is via the following dial-in information:
Dial In: 1-443-353-0686
Access Code: 381 215 173
The committee will vote on a certification of committee charters. The committee then will vote on whether to reconvene in closed session to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act.
Those items are a collective bargaining agreement at a USM institution and updates on other collective bargaining discussions; discussion of the committee’s work plan; update on multi-year presidential reviews; advice from counsel regarding employee deferred compensation options; discussion regarding a presidential search; and an information update regarding specific personnel contracts.
The Committee on Finance will meet at 10:30 a.m. Public access to the meeting is via the following dial-in information:
Conference ID: 973 0757 4238
Password: 231702
The committee will vote on a modification to a contract for additional insurance products. The committee also will vote on the creation of an affiliated business entity at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, which will provide small or early-stage nonprofit projects with financial, legal, and administrative services. The final action item, regarding the University of Maryland Global Campus, is the sale of Largo Properties to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. There will be an information item regarding 2022 USM Dashboard Indicators.
The committee will vote on whether to reconvene in closed session to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act. Those items are consideration of a new contract for online program management; discussion of the committee’s self-assessment results; and development of the proposed fiscal year 2024 Operating Budget submission and potential adjustments to the submission.
The Committee on Economic Development and Technology Commercialization will meet at 12:30 p.m. Access to the meeting is via the following dial-in information:
Dial In: 1-443-353-0686
Access Code: 539 556 479
The committee will hear an update from the Office of Research and Economic Development. It will hear a presentation from two featured innovators at Towson University (TU): Siddharth Kaza (associate provost and dean of graduate studies) and Blair Taylor (director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity). The final two items are a vote on the committee charge and an update on the Early Capital Program.
Agendas and supporting materials for Board of Regents committee meetings are here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719