USM Board of Regents Committee on Finance to Meet on April 3
Baltimore, Md. (April 1, 2024) – The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents Committee on Finance will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 3.
Public access to the meeting is via the following dial-in information:
Conference ID: 966 4635 5459
Password: 569129
The committee will hear an information item regarding the establishment of a new for-profit legal entity, University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc.
The committee will vote on several items. These include the fiscal year (FY) 2025 schedule of tuition and mandatory fees, FY 2025 self-support charges and fees, USM enrollment projections for FY 2025-2034, and recommended adjustments to the exempt and nonexempt salary structures.
Other action items include a facilities and equipment maintenance contract option renewal for University of Maryland Global Campus and a public-private partnership for student housing and modification to a food services contract at Bowie State University. The committee will hear an information item regarding a public-private partnership for graduate student housing at the University of Maryland, College Park.
The committee will vote on whether to reconvene in closed session to discuss items exempted from public consideration under the Open Meetings Act. Those items are the acquisition of two properties in the city of Salisbury and consideration of the investment of the USM Common Trust Fund.
Agendas and supporting materials for Board of Regents committee meetings are here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719