June 22, 2005
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Room 1112-1114 Henson Center


A. Call to Order Regent Kendall

B. Welcome from Host Institution President Thompson

C. Committee of the Whole

1. Minutes from the April 8, 2005 meeting (action)
2. Chancellor's Annual Report - Dr. Kirwan
3. Resolutions of Appreciation for Regents Acosta,
Horine, and Tydings - Regent Pevenstein 4. Election of Officers - Regent Kendall
5. Recognition of Outgoing Chair Regent Kendall - Dr. Kirwan
6. Approval of Meeting Dates for FY 2006 - Regent Kendall

D .Report of the Councils

1. Council of University System Presidents - President Bogomolny
2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Richardson
3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Crockett
4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon

E. Committee on Education Policy - Regent Florestano

1. Minutes of the June 1, 2005 Meeting

2. New Academic Program Proposals (action)

a. TU: Master of Science in Homeland Security Management

and Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Security Assessment

b. UMCP: Master of Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology

c. UMCP: Bachelor of Science in International Business

d. UMUC: Master of Science in Health Administration

3. Establishment of a School of Aging Studies at UMBC (action)

4. Amendment of II-1.00 Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty to add to the List of Approved Ranks in Section III the Title of "[Institution] Professor." (action)

5. Guidelines on Non-USM Institutions Offering Programs at USM Regional Centers (action)

6. Reorganization of Academic Departments at UMBC (information)

7. Update on the Eastern Shore Higher Education Center (information)

8. Reports on Academic Advising: (information)

a. Coppin State University

b. University of Maryland, Baltimore County

c. University of Maryland Eastern Shore

9. Campus Crime Reports (information)

10. Update on Implementation of Recommendation of Financial Aid Task Force (information)

11. Summary of Program Actions Taken by Chancellor under Delegation of Authority, 2004-2005 (information)

F. Committee on Finance - Regent Nevins

1. FY 2007 Capital Budget Request and System Priority Listing;

FY 2007-2011 Capital Improvement Program and

FY 2007-2016 Ten Year Capital Plan (action)

2. FY 2006 System Funded Construction Program Request (action)

3. USM: Technical Amendments to USM Procurement Policies and Procedures (action)

4. UMCP: Leave for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force (action)

5. UMUC: Group Tuition (action)

6. USM: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)

G. Report of the Workgroups

1. Capital Campaign Work Group - Regent Houghton

2. E&E Work Group Report - Regent Kendall

H. Adjournment