Coppin State University

Dining Hall, Room 218

OCTOBER 27, 2006

AGENDA FOR PUBLIC SESSION                       8:30 A.M.


Discussion Forum:  Spellings Commission Report

Dr. Charlene Nunley

President, Montgomery College


A.        Call to Order                                                                Chairman Kendall

B.         Welcome from CSU                                                     President Battle

C.        Committee of the Whole

  1. Approval of minutes from September 8, 2006 (action)
  2. Chancellor Kirwan's Report
  3. Resolution for Dr. Calvin Lowe

D.        Report of Councils

  1. Council of University System Presidents                President Thompson
  2. Council of University Faculty                                         Dr. Parker
  3. Council of University System Staff                                 Mr. Lauer
  4. University System of Student Council                             Mr. Bailey
E.         Education Policy Committee                      Regent Florestano
  1. New Academic Program Proposals

          a.     University of Maryland, College Park:  Master of Real Estate

                 Development (MRED) (action)

  1. Waiver of Certain Residency Requirements for Relocating Civilian Employees of the U.S. Armed Forces under BRAC 2005 (information)
  2. K-16 Update

         a.      USM Grant-Funded Partnerships (information)

         b.      K-16 Leadership Council (information)

  1. Status Report on Teacher Education in the USM (information)
  2. Academic Advising Best Practices and Status Report (information)
  3. USM Report on Transfer Students:  Patterns of Enrollment and Success            (information)
  4. Role and Function of the BOR Education Policy Committee (information)
  5. Tentative Annual Agenda 2006-2007 (information)

F.         Finance Committee                               Regent Pevenstein

  1. University of Baltimore:  Facilities Master Plan 2004 - 2014 (information)
  2. Waiver of Certain Residency Requirements for Relocating Civilian Employees of the U.S. Armed Forces under BRAC 2005 (action)
  3. University of Maryland, College Park:  Increase Authorization to Construct the Bioscience Research Building (action)
  4. University System of Maryland:  Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)

G.        Audit and Inst. Assessment Committee              Regent Gill

  1. Ethics Policy (action)