UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF MARYLAND BOARD OF REGENTS COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION POLICY JUNE 6, 2012 9:30 A.M. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SESSION Meeting Announcement Action Items 1. New Academic Program Proposals. a. CSU: B.S. in Marketing. b. CSU: B.S. in Management Information Systems. c. TU: B.F.A. in Acting. d. UMBC: M.A. in English Studies. e. UMCP: B.A. in Film Studies. 2. Authorization for UMCES to Seek Accreditation for Joint Degrees. 3. Cultural Diversity Progress Reports. BSU CSU FSU SU TU UB UMB UMBC UMCP UMES UMUC 4. Creation of University System of Maryland Board of Regents Student Service Award. Information/Discussion Items 5. University of Maryland, Baltimore Strategic Plan. 6. Institutional Reports on Progress in Closing the Achievement Gap. 7. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics. a. Institutional Reports to the Board of Regents for AY 2010-2011. BSU CSU FSU SU TU UMBC UMCP UMES b. NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rates for AY 2010-2011 (if available prior to the meeting). 8. Transfer Students to the University System of Maryland: Patterns of Enrollment and Success FY 2011. Parking Permit Campus Map