(Approved by the Board of Regents, November 29, 1990)
In fulfilling their educational roles and missions, the
constituent institutions of the University of Maryland System
must make optimal use of their faculty resources. Optimum
utilization may call for a reduction in or a reallocation of
faculty at various times and for various reasons; e.g. shifting
enrollment patterns, changing program directions, restricted
funding. If reassignment and/or reallocation is inadequate to
effect such changes, an institution may find it necessary to
terminate the appointment of tenure-track or tenured faculty
In order to insure the protection of rights of the faculty
members, each institution will develop internal retrenchment
procedures consistent with that institution's governance
structure and with Sections I.C.9, I.C.10, I.C.13 and I.C.17 of
the 1989 University System Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure
of Faculty and corresponding sections of earlier faculty
appointment agreements still in effect. As a part of those
procedures, each institution will establish a retrenchment
appeals committee. Following review for form and legal
sufficiency by the Office of the Attorney General, these
procedures must be submitted to the Chancellor for review and
Replacement for BOT Appendix N, BOR III-2.16.7