AUGUST 27, 1999
Chairman Chapman moved, and Vice Chairman Larson seconded, and
the Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed
executive session on Friday, August 27, 1999, University of
Maryland Baltimore County, Albin O. Kuhn Library, Baltimore
Maryland, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Those present were: Chairman
Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Crawford, Gonzales, Hoyer, Josey,
Kendall, Kim, Larson, Miller, Nevins, Virts, Wood.
The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that are
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in
closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at
8:30 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Vice Chairman Larson seconded, and the
Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and
executive session with the Chancellor on Friday, August 27,
1999, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Albin O.
Kuhn Library, Baltimore, Maryland, beginning at 8:35 a.m.
Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley,
Crawford, Gonzales, Hoyer, Josey, Kendall, Kim, Larson, Miller
,Nevins,Virts, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Assistant
Attorney General Anderson, and Ms. Ryan.
The Board of Regents and the Chancellor reviewed items on the
agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for
consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting
adjourned at 9:25 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Vice Chairman Larson seconded, and the
Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and
executive session with the Chancellor's Council on Friday,
August 27, 1999, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County, Albin O. Kuhn Library, Baltimore, Maryland. Those
present were Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Crawford,
Gonzales, Hoyer, Josey, Kendall, Kim, Larson, Miller, Nevins,
Virts, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Presidents Boesch, Burnett,
Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Mote, Smith, Turner, Interim
President Holloway, McCann, Vice President Boughman, Vice
Chancellors Martin, Middleton, Vivona, Assistant Attorney
General Zelkind, Dr. Havas, Mr. Lauer, Ms. Kelly Newsome, Mrs.
Ryan, and Jennie Hunter-Cevera, incoming president of UMBI,
who was introduced at an earlier session.
The Board of Regents and the Chancellor's Council reviewed
items on the agenda that are exempted under the Open Meetings
Act for consideration in closed and executive session. The
meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
I. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host
The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the
University System of Maryland was called to order by
Chairman Chapman on Friday, August 27, 1999 at the
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Albin O. Kuhn
Library, Baltimore, Maryland beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley,
Crawford, Gonzales, Hoyer, Josey, Kendall, Kim, Larson,
Miller, Nevins, Virts, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg,
Presidents Boesch, Burnett, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Mote,
Smith, Spikes, Interim Presidents Holloway and McCann,
Vice Chancellors Martin, Middleton, Vivona, Assistant
Attorney Generals Anderson and Zelkind, Dr. Havas, Mr.
Lauer, Ms. Kelly Newsome, Mrs. Ryan and others.
President Freeman Hrabowski welcomed the members of the
Board of Regents and guests to University of Maryland
Baltimore County and reported on recent achievements of
the institution.
II. Approval of Minutes
Chairman Chapman moved that the Board of Regents approved
the minutes of, and ratify the actions taken at, the July
9, 1999. Regent Crawford wanted the minutes to reflect a
correction that he did not recommend the Coppin residence
hall financing through auxiliary revenue bonds. The
Finance Committee overrode his recommendation. The move
to approve the minutes was seconded.
III. Committee of the Whole
A. Regent Wood presented the Policy on Public Ethics
of Members of the Board of Regents. After
discussion, it was agreed that the policy would be
modified deleting "unless permitted by the Committee
on Audit. A motion was made by Chairman Crawford,
and it was seconded and approved.
B. Committee on Advancement - No report
C. Committee on Audit - No Report
D. Committee on Bylaws - No Report
E. Committee on Education Policy - No report
F. Committee on Finance
Following discussion led by Vice Chancellor Joseph
Vivona, Regent Crawford reported that the Committee
on Finance met on August 26, 1999 at University of
Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland to
consider the following items:
1. University System of Maryland: Fiscal Year
2001 Schedule of Tuition and Mandatory Fees
2. University System of Maryland: FY 2001-FY2005
Tuition Plan.
3. University System of Maryland: Fiscal Year
2001 Operating Budget Request
4. University System of Maryland: Separate List
5. Second Amendment to Eighteenth Bond Resolution
of the Board of Regents of the University
System of Maryland
Regent Crawford moved and it was seconded that the
Board of Regents collectively approve the action
The Committee also received reports on the following
information items:
1. Four-Year Tuition Plan Analysis
2. Financial Data Report for the Year Ended June
30, 1999
3. University System of Maryland: Quarterly
Review of Capital Improvement Projects
G. Committee on Organization and Compensation - Regent
Billingsley - No Report
H. Committee on Technology - Regent Wood
I. USM CIO Donald Spicer gave a briefing to the
Board on USM Technology Information and Y2K
2. President Gerald Heeger, of UMUC, gave a
briefing on Maryland Online.
IV. Reports of the Advisory Councils
Council of University System Faculty (CUSF)
No Report
Council of University System Staff (CUSS)
Larry Lauer introduced himself as the new chair of CUSS
for FY 2000 and presented an overview of issues for the
coming year. (A copy of his remarks are on file with the
official minutes of this Board meeting.)
University System Student Council (USSC)
No Report
V. Chancellor's Report
Chancellor Langenberg stated that Dr. Jennie
Hunter-Cevera has been appointed as the new president of
UMBI and that Dr.Joel Jones has been appointed interim
president of Salisbury State University. Dr. Langenberg
also announced that Associate Vice Chancellor of
Advancement John Lippincott would be leaving USMH to
become the Vice President for Communications at CASE.
The Chancellor ceded his time to Dr. Helz.
VI. New Business
Dr. George Helz, Professor of Chemistry from UMCP gave a
briefing on USM's activities on the drought and water
VII. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.