Approved February 9, 2001
December 8, 2000
Coppin State College
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and executive
session on Friday, December 8, 2000, at Coppin State College
beginning at 8:30a.m. Those present were: Chairman Chapman,
Regents Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales, Houghton, Hoyer, Kendall,
Larson, Nevins, Oxendine, Tydings, and Wood ; and Assistant
Attorney General Anderson. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
The Board of Regents and the Chancellor reviewed items on the
agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for
consideration in closed and executive session on December 8,
2000, at Coppin State College beginning at 9:00 a.m. Those
present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Gonzales, Houghton, Hoyer, Kendall, Larson, Nevins, Oxendine,
Tydings, and Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Vice Chancellor Vivona,
Assistant Attorney General Anderson, and Ms. Ryan. The meeting
adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with the Council of University System Presidents on
Friday, December 8, 2000, at Coppin State College at 11:15 a.m..
Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Gonzales, Houghton, Hoyer, Kendall, Larson, Nevins, Oxendine,
Tydings, and Wood; Assistant Attorney General Anderson,
Chancellor Langenberg, Vice Chancellors Vivona and Martin, and
Ms. Ryan; Presidents Boesch, Burnett, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, ,
Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, Smith, Spikes, Vice Presidents Myers,
Lovelace; Ms. Gladhill, Mr. Lauer, Mr. Ross and USM staff
members. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
A. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host Institution
The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the University
System of Maryland was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by
Chairman Chapman on Friday, December 8, 2000 at Coppin State
College. Those present were Chairman Chapman, Regents
Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales, Houghton, Kendall, Larson,
Nevins, Oxendine, Tydings, Wood, and Chancellor Langenberg.
President Burnett welcomed the Regents and guests to Coppin
State College and presented an overview of Coppin State
B. Committee of the Whole
1. Chairman Chapman requested that the Board of Regents approve
the minutes of, and ratify the actions taken at, the October 27,
2000 meeting; moved by Regent Oxendine, seconded by Regent
Tydings. Regent Wood requested an amendment to the minutes
Technology Committee: the Minimum Information Technology report
filed with the Joint Chairs was filed in March 2000 not September
2000 as noted in the October 27, 2000 minutes. Minutes
unanimously approved as amended.
C. Reports of Standing Committees
1. Council of University System Presidents - President Ramsay -
No Report
2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. William Chapin
presented items of interest to CUSF:
a. Collective Bargaining legislation is an issue and concern
for the faculty;
b. Office of Civil Rights Agreement
Grievance Procedures - Dismissal for "Cause" is rare on
small campuses and is usually settled on campus. Before
a BOR policy created, be sure that each campus has a
policy in place. Regent Billingsley asked if the Council
would study the "dismissal for cause" procedure and bring
information back to the Board. Dr. Chapin stated that
Dr. T.J. Bryan is collecting information from campuses
c. Academic Excellence
3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Roy Ross, CUSS
Chair. Mr. Ross presented the CUSS report. A major concern is
collective bargaining which CUSS does not support. CUSS believes
that collective bargaining could end shared governance as it is
now and CUSS wants to ensure that shared governance will
4. University System Student Council - Mr. Saleem Rasheed,
Chair. Ms. Rasheed presented the USMSC report. Issues for the
Council include: improved financial aid, credit card
solicitation and the interviews for the 2001-2002 Student Regent.
D. Committee on Advancement - Regent Kendall presented the
reports from the November 8th and December 1, 2000 meetings of
the Committee on Advancement.
November 8, 2000 Meeting
Regent Kendall presented the Advancement Report from the
committee meeting on November 8 and December 1, 2000
November 8, 2000:
1. Mr. Martin stated that the campaign has raised $633,000,000
toward its 2002 goal of $700,000,000 and expects to exceed
2. Discussion of the process of the U.S. News and World Report
rankings of institutions.
3. Draft USMO Communications Plan
4. Mr. Komenda stated that the Credit Card Solicitation bill
will come out of the Legislative Matters Committee. A USM
Optional Retirement Bill will also be presented.
5. Vice Chancellor Paul Sweet presented a report on upcoming
Congressional legislation and 2002 projects.
December 2, 2000 meeting
1. Communications Plan for the USM Office. Regent Nevins
stated that the plan is a good beginning to assist the campuses.
The institutions are better than they are seen to be.
Institutions need to work on reputational enhancement before the
general public in Maryland, nationally and internationally.
Action Item:
1. Regent Chapman requested that the Board approve the
Communications Plan for the USM Office; motion by Regent Nevins,
seconded by Regent Kendall.
Proviso - Desired outcomes are not listed. We want a
way to measure increasing reputation of the campuses.
Regent Chapman asked Vice Chancellor Vivona to review
budgets for marketing and publication costs in the
System and compare with aspiration peers.
Regent Tydings suggested that this also be considered
in Organization and Compensation and the issue should
be considered during presidential reviews.
Regent Kendall recommended that the board request that
a special action plan be developed.
Regent Chapman stated that there should be consistency
in all documents published by the institutions that the
list of the Board of Regents should be included.
Motion unanimously approved.
E. Committee on Audit - No Report
F. Bylaws Committee - Regent Billingsley presented a report of
the meeting of the Bylaws Committee on November 29. The Bylaws
were last reviewed and amended in 1997. The purpose of the
meeting was housekeeping changes, such as changing UMS to USM,
adding deleted language, and adding current statutory language.
Article VIII, Section 1: Consensus was not to amend this
section to include telephone participation for regular Board
Article VIII, Section 4 - New wording. Regent Chapman
requested Board approval, motion by Regent Billingsley,
seconded by Regent Gonzales.
Article VIII, Section 5 - Change wording to "majority of
voting members of the Board" (as stated in the law). Regent
Chapman requested Board approval, motion by Regent
Billingsley, seconded by Regent Gonzales.
Article VIII, Section 6 - Include wording The Chancellor
shall present such requests to the Chairperson "who may deny
the request." Regent Chapman requested Board approval, motion
by Regent Gonzales, seconded by Regent Nevins.
Article IX, Section 7. Change the name of Committee on
Advancement to the Committee on External Relations.
Article IX, Section 8: Add Committee on Technology
Regent Chapman requested Board approval of Section 7 and
Section 8, motion by Regent Billingsley, seconded by Regent
Amended Bylaws unanimously approved.
G. Committee on Education Policy - Regent Gonzales reported on
the Education Policy Committee meeting on November 14, 2000.
Action Items:
1. Regent Chapman requested that the Board approve the new
program proposal for a Bachelor of Arts in African-American
Studies/Minor in African Studies; UMES, motion by Regent
Gonzales, seconded by Regent Nevins and unanimously approved.
2. Regent Chapman requested that the Board approve the revised
Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of Faculty; motion by
Regent Gonzales, seconded by Regent Nevins and unanimously
3. Regent Chapman requested the Board approve the UMUC Faculty
Classifications Proposal (Modification of USM Policy II-1.00 on
Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty), motion by Regent
Gonzales, seconded by Regent Tydings, and unanimously approved.
4. Regent Chapman requested the Board approved the USM Policy
on the Implementation and Monitoring of Recommendations of the
Cult Task Force, motion by Regent Gonzales, seconded by Regent
Kendall and unanimously approved.
5. Associate Vice Chancellor Bryan presented an overview of the
Faculty Workload Report. There is still concern regarding the
percent of student credit house generated by core faculty. Regent
Chapman asked how USM institutions related to their aspiration
peers and requested a report from Dr. Bryan to the Regents.
6. Title II Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant - Chancellor
Langenberg stated that USM has received a $4.2 million grant over
5 years and will include UMCP, BSU, TU in a partnership with
Prince George's County schools. The grant requires matching
funds which the institutions have made.
H. Committee on Finance
Regent Nevins, Chair of the Committee on Finance, reported
on the meeting of the November 16, 2000.
1. Vice Chancellor Vivona presented an overview of the
University System Debt Capacity.
2. Vice Chancellor Vivona presented an overview of the upcoming
Collective Bargaining legislation for the 2001 legislative
Information items presented:
3. Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects.
4. Minority Business Report for Year Ending June 2000.
5. Financial Data Report for the Three Months Ended September
30, 2000.
I. Technology Committee - Regent Wood - No Report
J. Organization and Compensation Committee - Regent Finan. No
Adjourned: 3:10 p.m.