Approved, August 24, 2001
July 13, 2001
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Horn Point
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and executive
session on Friday, July 13, 2001, at University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science beginning at 8:30 a.m. Those
present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Florestano, Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins,
Rasheed, Rosapepe Tydings, Wood, and Assistant Attorneys General
Anderson and Short. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the
agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for
consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting
adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and executive
session with the Chancellor on Friday, July 13, 2001, at
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Those
present were Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Florestano, Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins,
Rasheed, Rosapepe Tydings, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Assistant
Attorneys General Anderson and Short, and Ms. Ryan. The Board of
Regents and the Chancellor reviewed items on the agenda that were
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed
and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with Chancellor's Council on Friday, April 6, 2001, at
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science at 12:50
p.m. Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley,
Finan, Florestano, Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister,
Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe Tydings, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg,
Assistant Attorneys General Anderson and Short, Vice Chancellors
Martin, Middleton, and Vivona, and Ms. Ryan; Presidents Boesch,
Dudley-Eshbach, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe,
Mote, Perkins, Ramsay, and Turner; Exec. Vice President Jackie
Thomas (UMES), Vice President McNeill for Coppin, Dr. Chapin, Mr.
Ross, Mr. Oxendine and USM staff members. The Board of Regents
and the Chancellor's Council reviewed items on the agenda that
are exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in
closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
A. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host Institution
The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the University
System of Maryland was called to order at 2:07 p.m. by
Chairman Chapman on Friday, July 13, 2001 at University of
Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Those present
were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Florestano, Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister,
Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe Tydings, Wood, Chancellor
Langenberg, Assistant Attorneys General Anderson and Short,
Vice Chancellors Martin, Middleton, and Vivona, and Ms.
Ryan; Presidents Boesch, Dudley-Eshbach, Gira, Heeger,
Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe, Mote, Perkins, Ramsay, and
Turner; Executive Vice President Jackie Thomas for UMES,
Vice President McNeill for Coppin, Dr. Chapin, Mr. Ross, Mr.
Oxendine, USM staff; members of the press and other
President Boesch welcomed everyone to Center for
Environmental Science and spoke briefly about the UMCES
Environmental Education Program which involves "K through
Grey." A group of students and teachers spoke briefly about
their involvement in the program.
B. Committee of the Whole
Regent Chapman introduced new student regent, Saleem Rasheed
from Bowie State University and Mark L. Perkins, new
president of Towson University.
The consent agenda was moved for acceptance by Regent
Billingsley that included the following items:
1. Minutes of the April 6, 2001 meeting of the Board of
2. FY 2002 Election of Officers as amended
3. FY 2002 Schedule of Meetings for the Board of Regents as
6. UMCP Report to the Board re: UMCP-Duke Basketball game
Seconded by Regent Wood and unanimously approved.
Item 4 - Collective Bargaining - Adoption of Definitions and
items 5 Policy on Conduct, Discipline, Assistance and
Education for Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol for Exempt and
Nonexempt Staff Employees and Draft USM Faculty Policy on
Conduct, Discipline, Assistance, and Education for Abuse of
Drugs and Alcohol were tabled until the August meeting.
Regent Chapman stated that part of the consent agenda
approval was his re-election as the chairman of the Board of
Regents for another year and thanked the board for the great
honor. He plans to add more issue-oriented items to the
Board's agenda for the upcoming year, including the
Education Policy Committee: Biotechnology - Regent Chapman
has requested Regent Gonzales to form a committee to include
regents, presidents, and community individuals to help steer
us in the right direction to move forward.
Teacher Education - form a committee that would focus on
what impact we can have at the Board level on teacher
education reform.
Finance Committee: Affordability - assess what can the
Board do to make tuition and overall cost of education more
External Relations Committee: Focus on development efforts
to help build the endowment.
Audit Committee: Accountability - help measure the money
that comes into the System; have we done a good job with the
money that has come to the System and move forward in ways
that are accountable to the public trust.
C. Reports of the Advisory Councils
1. Council of University System Presidents: Dr. Gira,
incoming CUSP president, expressed gratitude to Dr.
Ramsay for his unprecedented three years of service
as president of CUSP. She thanked the Finance
Committee for the informative workshop where
institution long term needs were discussed.
Presidents are respectful of and sensitive to the
commitments that the State has made to the HBI's;
supportive of the intention to move ahead to
request an extension of the sunset clause that
was in Senate Bill 682 re: programs approvals;
appreciated meeting with Dr. Weary
about the upcoming Chancellor search.
2. Council of University System Faculty: Dr. Chapin
thanked the regents and presidents for the cooperation
and support over the last year and looks forward to
working with all of the groups in the upcoming year.
Important issues: a Drug and Alcohol policy;
evaluation of courses; balancing academic
competence and compassion.
3. Council of University System Staff: Roy Ross
reported that this past year was not as productive
this year due to the time that was needed for the
collective bargaining issue. The officers for CUSS
this year will be: Roy Ross - Chair Fran Younger,
Vice Chair Kay Martel, Secretary Report on file
with the minutes of the meeting.
4. University System Student Council: Kevin Oxendine
reported that the Council will be working on several
issues in the upcoming year: joint committee to
evaluate courses; student affairs policies,
campaign to repeal sales tax on text books; and
safety issues.
Regent Nevins requested that the Council review and
update the student alcohol policies looking
specifically at the new California model.
Chairman Chapman took the opportunity to read
into the record a resolution of appreciation for
Mr. Oxendine's service as Student Regent:
"Whereas, Kevin Oxendine demonstrated incredible
dedication and remarkably conscientious involvement in
his year of service on the University System of
Maryland Board of Regents; and
Whereas, he was a champion of the importance of
academic advising, with his efforts culminating in
initiatives and incentive programs to improve academic
advising on all University System of Maryland campuses;
Whereas, he worked closely with the University System
of Maryland Student Council to address their concerns
over the report of campus crime statistics, resulting
in a systemwide report on the issue; and
Whereas, he took his service to the Board with utmost
seriousness, never missing a single Board of Regents
meeting and spending countless hours ensuring he
understood and was prepared to discuss all issues
before the Board; and
Whereas, he was an advocate for the students of the
University System of Maryland and a full partner to the
Board on, not just student issues, but every issue;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of
Regents of the University System of Maryland gratefully
recognizes Kevin Oxendine's outstanding contributions
to the University System of Maryland and to the entire
State of Maryland; and
Be it further resolved that the Board of Regents
extends to him its best wishes for success in all his
endeavors, and its enduring gratitude and respect for
him as a truly dedicated colleague and well informed
D. Report of the Committee on Audit
Regent Kendall stated that the committee had reported to the
Board in Executive Session. The Audit Committee praised the
USM audit staff - very qualified and dedicated. There are
very few staff for the size and scope of the work. The
committee will look into the staff size in the future.
E. Report of the Committee on Finance
Regent Nevins placed the following items on the consent
6. Bowie State University: Public/Private Partnership
for Student Housing
7. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Case
Management Contract Renewal
8. Proposed Policy on Business Entities
9. Proposed Policy on Personnel Files for Nonexempt
and Exempt Staff Employees
11. Financial Data Report for the Ten Months ended
April 30, 2001
12. University System of Maryland: Quarterly Review
of Capital Improvement Projects
Motion by Regent Nevins; moved by Regent Finan,
Seconded by Regent Josey and consent agenda
unanimously approved.
Item 2. FY 2003 Capital Budget Request of $96,530,000
and System Priority Listing; FY 2003-2007 Capital
Improvement Program and FY 2003-2012 Ten Year Capital
UMB requested acceleration and additional funding of the
renovation of Howard Hall and $10M additional funds for
Dental School equipment funding
Bowie State has requested acceleration in the renovation of
MLK facility -request $450,000 from FY 2004 budget to be
moved to FY 2003
Motion made by Regent Chapman; moved by Regent Nevins;
seconded by Regent Rosapepe and passed unanimously.
Item 3: FY 2002 System Funded Construction Program Request
of $90,835,000. Regent Nevins recused himself from this
item and requested that Finance Committee Vice Chair Wood
present the item. Motion made by Regent Chapman, moved by
Regent Wood, seconded by Regent Rosapepe and passed
unanimously. Regents Nevins and Josey abstained.
Item 4: UMCP: USM Revenue Bonds to Construct Building "B"
of the Capstone South Campus Housing Project. Motion made
by Regent Chapman, moved by Regent Nevins; seconded by
Regent Mister and passed unanimously.
Item 5: Twentieth Bond Resolution: Regent Wood presented
the item. Motion made by Regent Chapman, moved by Regent
Mister; seconded by Regent Rosapepe and passed unanimously.
Regents Nevins and Josey abstained.
Regent Nevins announced that there will be a half-day
seminar on the operating budget in August prior to the
August 24 Board meeting.
F. Report of the Committee on Education Policy - Regent
Gonzales presented the report of the May 16, 2001
committee meeting. The following items were placed
on the consent agenda:
4. Rescission of USM Policy on Inter-Institutional
Graduate Faculty
5. Reports on Academic Advising at USM Institutions
7. Shared Governance Accountability Plans
8. Revision of USM Policy on University System Student
10. Process for Development of Draft Policies to
Implement the Best Practice Recommendations
Outlined in the Study of Faculty Appointments,
Roles, and Rewards and Part-time and Non-tenure
Track Faculty Issues in Pathways to Perpetual
Motion made by Regent Chapman, moved by Regent Gonzales,
seconded by Regent Billingsley and consent agenda passed
Item 2: A Study of Faculty Appointments, Roles and Rewards
and Part-time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Issues in Pathways of
Perpetual Learning. Following brief discussion, motion made
by Regent Chapman, moved by Regent Gonzales, seconded by
Regent Josey and unanimously passed.
Item 6: USM Policy on Intellectual Property - Following a
brief discussion, motion made by Regent Chapman, moved by
Regent Gonzales, seconded by Regent Rosapepe and unanimously
Items 8: Revision of Constitution of the University System
of Maryland Student Council:.
Motion to approve the policy by Regent Chapman; Moved by
Regent Gonzales and seconded by Regent Rosapepe.
Following a discussion by the Regents, it was proposed that
the Section 8 of the policy be amended to say: "The USM
student council and the chancellor will jointly develop a
list of at least three names, none of whom are from the same
institution, for student regent position to submit to the
governor." The policy was unanimously approved.
Item 9: Revision of the Constitution of the University
System of Maryland Student Council. It was moved by Regent
Chapman, motion by Regent Gonzales and seconded by Regent
Rosapepe and unanimously passed.
Item 12: New Program Proposals - Moved by Regent Chapman,
Motion by Regent Gonzales, seconded by Regent Rosapepe and
unanimously approved as a block. Two items from UMBC were
withdrawn: Bachelor of Science in Communications
Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology.
G. Technology Committee - Regent Wood reported that the
Technology Committee met on June, 11, 2001. Minutes of the
meeting were approved.
Regent Wood stated that funding from the state for
technology has been cut and that the USM was reviewing the
addition of a technology fee to assist covering these costs
and may request additional funding from the Governor during
the next legislative session.
Vice Chancellor Middleton and Associate Vice Chancellor
Spicer gave an update on the technology initiatives.
Regent Wood stated that the institutions have been requested
to provide the Board of Regents with a report by the end of
July on progress towards meeting the requirements of the
Board of Regents minimum standards. A report will be
provided at the next Board meeting.
Regent Gonzales moved the approval of the Institutional
Reports on Technology Fluency of Graduates; seconded by
Regent Wood and unanimously approved.
Regent Gonzales moved the acceptance of the Student Learning
Outcomes Assessment Report (Item 10 under Education Policy
Committee); seconded by Regent Nevins and unanimously
The Information Technology Policy and draft Information
Technology plan were withdrawn by Regent Wood.
H. Organization and Compensation Committee - Regent Finan
reported that there were no final action items but that
the committee has completed the performance reviews on
a timely basis and approved new guidelines on screening
and selection of new presidents.
I. External Relations Committee - Regent Josey stated that
there was no report.
K. Adjournment - 3:55 p.m.