Approved July 10, 2002
                     MINUTES OF THE MEETING
                         April 12, 2002
            University of Maryland University College
                       EXECUTIVE SESSIONS
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with the Chancellor on Friday, April 12, 2002, at
University of Maryland University College beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Florestano, Gonzales, Houghton, Hoyer, Kendall, Larson, Marcus,
Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood, Chancellor
Langenberg, Assistant Attorney Generals John Anderson and Alex
Short and Ms. Ryan.  The Board of Regents reviewed items on the
agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for
consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting
adjourned at 9:25 a.m.

Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with Chancellor's Council on Friday, April 12, 2002, at
University of Maryland University College at 1:30 p.m.  Those
present were Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan,
Florestano, Gonzales, Houghton, Hoyer, Kendall, Larson, Marcus,
Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood, Chancellor
Langenberg; Vice Chancellor Martin, Middleton, and Vivona;
Presidents Boesch, Burnett, Dudley-Eshbach, Gira, Heeger,
Hrabowski, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, and Turner, Dr. Nnadi (UMES), Mr.
Lovelace (UMBI), Assistant Attorney Generals John Anderson and
Alex Short, and Ms. Ryan. The Board of Regents and Chancellor's
Council reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under 
the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive
session.  The meeting adjourned at


A. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host Institution

The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the University
System of Maryland was called to order at 10:03 by Chairman
Chapman on Friday, April 12, 2002 at University of Maryland
University College.  Those present were Chairman Chapman, 
Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano, Gonzales, Houghton,
Hoyer, Kendall, Larson, Marcus, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, 
Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg; Vice 
Chancellors Martin, Middleton, and Vivona; Presidents Boesch, 
Burnett, Dudley-Eshbach, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Lowe, Mote, 
Ramsay, Thomas, and Turner, Acting President Jones (Towson); 
Dr. Nnadi (UMES), Mr. Lovelace (UMBI), Assistant Attorney 
Generals John Anderson and Alex Short, and Ms. Ryan, Dr. 
Chapin (CUSF), Mr. Roy Ross, (CUSS), USM staff, members 
of the press and other observers.

B.   Committee of the Whole

  1. President Gerald Heeger welcomed the Regents, Presidents
     and other guests and presented an overview of UMUC's 
     recent accomplishments.
  2. The minutes of the February 8, 2002 meeting of the 
     Board of Regents were unanimously approved.
  3. Presentation of the Regent's Faculty Award:  Regent 
     Chapman and Chancellor Langenberg presented the 2002 
     Board of Regents Faculty Awards to:
     a. Dr. Maureen Black,UMB,  Inter-institutional 
     b. Dr. Cynthia L. Cates TU,  Inter-institutional 
     c. Dr. Howard Dubowitz, UMB, Inter-institutional 
     d. Dr. Wayne V. McIntosh, UMCP, Inter-institutional
     e. Dr. Raymond H. Starr, Jr., UMBC, Inter-institutional
     f. Dr. Phyllis R. Robinson, Mentoring, UMBC
     g. Dr. Patricia Campbell, UMCP, Public Service
     h. Dr. Thomas Malone, UMCES, Public Service
     i. Dr. James M. Hagberg, UMCP, Research, Scholarship, and
        Creative Activity
     j. Dr. Joel F. Liebman, UMBC, Research, Scholarship, and
        Creative Activity
     k. Dr. George Plitnik, FSU, Research, Scholarship, and 
        Creative Activity
     l. Dr. Edwin Duncan, TU, Teaching
     m. Dr. Edward Orser, UMBC, Teaching
     n. Dr. Phillip Sokolove, UMBC, Teaching

  4. Information Technology Policies - motion to approve made
     by Regent Wood; moved by Regent Rosapepe, seconded by Regent 
     Kendall and unanimously approved.
  5. Coppin State College Revised Mission Statement - motion 
     to approve made by Regent Chapman; moved by Regent Finan; 
     seconded by Regent Gonzales and unanimously approved.
  6. Vice Chancellor Vivona presented a brief legislative budget

D.   New Business

     1.   Regent Billingsley proposed the following resolution:
          "All institutions shall adopt a policy and procedures
          requiring immediate expulsion for any student who
          participates in a riot related either directly or
          indirectly to any institution activity and (1) who
          causes injury to another person or destroys the
          property of others, or (2) starts or perpetuates a
          legally impermissible bonfire.
          And be it further resolved that such student shall not
          be allowed to apply for admission to any institutions
          within the System for a period of three (3) years
          following such expulsion."
          Billingsley moved for acceptance; seconded by Regent
          Rosapepe.  After discussion it was agreed that the
          resolution would be sent back to the Education Policy
          Committee for review and revisions and brought back to
          the full Board in July, 2002.
     2.   Resolution read by Regent Hoyer:
          A Resolution of Exemplary Service was presented to
          retiring UB President,
                      Dr. H. Mebane Turner:

                      DR. H. MEBANE TURNER
                       PRESIDENT EMERITUS
                     UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE

  WHEREAS, Dr. H. Mebane Turner, the 3rd president of the
University of Baltimore, will retire from the presidency
effective July 1, 2002; and
  WHEREAS, he has served as the president of the University of
Baltimore for 33 years, earning the respect, admiration, and
praise of his peers at other institutions in the University
System for his collegiality, loyalty, and generosity of spirit;
  WHEREAS, the University of Baltimore has grown in stature and
scope during his tenure, strengthening its core offerings while
also creating niche programs and developing expertise in areas
that are in high demand in its community; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Turner has been not only a leader of his
institution, but has also served as an enthusiastic ambassador
for Baltimore City, making his campus an integral part of
Baltimore's revitalization and trumpeting Charm City's attributes
in his own unique and grand style; and
  WHEREAS, he has been an enthusiastic and outspoken advocate for
his institution and for public higher education in general,
emphasizing that academic institutions, particularly those in
urban areas, play a role in ensuring the economic health and
vitality of their communities;

   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents of
the University System of Maryland, with gratitude and affection,
honors Dr. H. Mebane Turner for his phenomenal contributions to
the University of Baltimore and to the University System of
Maryland; and
  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents confers upon
Dr. Turner the title of
"President Emeritus" in recognition of the indelible mark he has
left on the University of Baltimore, the City of Baltimore, and
the State of Maryland.

                      April   12,    2002
     3.   Resolution read by Regent Hoyer:
          A resolution was then presented to retiring Chancellor
          Langenberg for his service to the USM:


                   DONALD N. LANGENBERG, Ph.D.
                       CHANCELLOR EMERITUS

  WHEREAS, Dr. Donald N. Langenberg, Chancellor of the University
System of Maryland, will retire effective April 30, 2002 after a
long and distinguished career in academe; and
  WHEREAS, he has been an effective and transformational
Chancellor, creating the conditions that have allowed the
University System to strive toward achieving and sustaining
national eminence, and making clear the intimate connection
between having an outstanding system of higher education and
enjoying a high quality of life; and
  WHEREAS, Dr. Langenberg has been an outspoken leader whose
commonsense approach, broad-based perspective, wit, and wisdom
have made him a respected spokesman on such topics as online
learning, teacher education, the need for alignment of education
at all levels, and the research university in the 21st century;
  WHEREAS, his service in positions of leadership at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of
Pennsylvania, the National Science Foundation, and the University
System of Maryland are matched by his contributions to the field
of physics as a professor and as a president of the American
Physical Society;
  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents of the
University System of Maryland recognizes with admiration,
fondness, and gratitude all that Dr. Donald N. Langenberg has
done on behalf of the University System of Maryland and the State
of Maryland; and
  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents appoints Dr.
Langenberg as Chancellor Emeritus of the University System, an
enduring tribute to his service to higher education in Maryland
and throughout the nation.

                     April 12, 2002

     Chancellor Langenberg then presented USM T-shirts to members
     of the Board of Regents.

Chairman Chapman then announced that Dr. Dan Jones had been named
Acting President of Towson University.  Chairman Chapman also
announced the appointment of a committee of Regents (Florestano,
chair, Nevins, Mister, Rosapepe, and Houghton) who will receive
nominations for candidates for Interim President.  The committee
will receive input from all of the Towson University community
including faculty, students, staff, members of their Board of
Visitors, Alumni Association and Foundation Board..  The
Financial Review Report will be released to the public once it is

E.   Reports of the Advisory Council

  1. Council of University System Presidents:  President Gira
     presented the report of the CUSP.  She began by saying that 
     she and the other presidents had enjoyed working with 
     President Turner and it was wonderful to see him honored.
     Dr. Gira then stated that the implications of the budget is
     of foremost concern to presidents.  The prospect for the
     coming year in terms of money is sobering after a number of
     years of increases especially with the increased number of
     students that the campuses will be expected to enroll.

     Dr. Gira then presented a plaque from the USM presidents to
     Chancellor Langenberg along with a message of appreciation:
                    A Message of Appreciation
            Presented to Chancellor Donald Langenberg
                             by the
             Council of University System Presidents
                          April 8, 2002

In sincere appreciation for your leadership over the past twelve
  You have brought intelligence, integrity, and dignity to the
     position and have been both a mentor and friend to us.
 We thank you for your selfless dedication, and we wish you good
          health and much happiness in the years ahead.

  2. Council of University System Faculty:  Dr. Chapin, chair of
     CUSF presented a brief report.
  3. Council of University System Staff:  Mr. Roy Ross, chair of
     CUSS, presented the report stating that 100% of the USM
     institutions participated in sending forward nominations
     for the Regent's Staff Awards; concluded their work on 
     shared governance.

  4. University System Student Council:  Mr. Kevin Oxendine,
     chair of USSC, presented the report.  USSC is looking 
     forward to being included in discussions on domestic 
     partners and tuition and fee increases.  The Council 
     has been restructured and next year members of USSC 
     will be attending committee meetings so that a student 
     voice can be heard when an item is first coming to the
     Regents.  Mr. Oxendine thanked the Regents for referring 
     Regent Billingsley's resolution to committee.  It is 
     important that students be involved in this issue..
     Regent Mister thanked Kevin for his work on the Council.
Report of the Committee on Education Policy.  Regent Gonzales
presented the report of the meeting of March 19, 2002.

  1. Regent Gonzales presented the report of the meeting of March
     19, 2002.
  2. New Program Proposals:
     a.   FSU, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in 
          Interpretive Biology and Natural History
     b.   FSU, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
     c.   SU, Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Mathematics for 
          Middle- School Teachers
     d.   UB, Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Technology
          Commercialization, offered off site
     e.   UMBC, Master of Arts in Teaching
     f.   UMCP, Upper-division Certificate in Lesbian, Gay, 
          Bisexual, Transgender Studies
     g.   UMUC, Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies
     h.   UMUC, Master of Science in Accounting and Information
     i.   UMUC, Master of Science in Health Care Administration

     Motion to approve by Regent Gonzales; seconded by Regent
     Billingsley and unanimously approved.
  3. Chancellor's Advisory Council on Technology Transfer:
     Motion to approve by Regent Gonzales; seconded by Regent
     It was suggested that the chair of the Technology Committee
     serve on the advisory council.
     The motion was amended to include the addition of the chair
     of the Technology Committee and unanimously approved.
  4. Follow-up on USM Participation in Eastern Shore Higher
     Education Center - this item was moved to the July, 
     2002 agenda.

  The following items were presented for information:
  5. Policies on Full-time and Part-time Non-tenure-track
     Instruction Faculty in the USM.
  6. USM Enrollment Projections 2002-2011
  7. Report on Institutional Processes for New Program Proposal
     Development and Approval.
  8. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics
  9. Biennial Report on Cooperation in Agriculture Programs at
     UMCP and UMES.

F.   Report of the Committee on Finance.

  1. Regent Nevins presented the report of the meeting of March
     14, 2002.
  2. Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2003-
     Regent Rosapepe stated that he supported these Charges and
     Fees except for the proposed parking fee increase at UMCP.
     He suggested that this part of the item go back to the
     Finance Committee for discussion.
     Regent Chapman:  I accept that.  We will send the UMCP
     parking fee increase back to the Finance Committee for
     further review.
     Regent Nevins:  We will review the fee at the next Finance
     Committee meeting in June and bring back to the full board
     in July.
     Regent Nevins accepted Regent Rosapepe's amendment and urged
     approval of Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2003 as
     amended.  Seconded as amended by Regent Billingsley and
     unanimously approved.

  3. USM Enrollment Projections: 2002-2011.  Regent Nevins 
     stated that there is concern that the current projections 
     don't address the prospects for growth that the System is 
     likely to have in the next decade.  The Finance Committee 
     approved the enrollment projections but made the 
     recommendation that within the next 60 days each president 
     submit either the same or revised projections
     accompanied by a set of resources that would be necessary 
     to achieve those projections. - Motion for approved by 
     Regent Chapman; moved by Regent Nevins; seconded by 
     Regent Florestano.
     Following a brief discussion the USM Enrollment Projects:
     2002-2011 were unanimously approved.

  Items 4 through 7 presented as a consent agenda:
  4. University of Maryland, Baltimore 2001-2010 Facilities
     Master Plan
  5. University of Maryland, College Park 2001-2020 Facilities
     Master Plan
  6. UMCP: Increased Funding for Fire Protection Systems in
     Residence Halls and Greek Houses
  7. USM Service Center multi-vendor contract to provide for 
     the purchase and/or lease of microcomputer hardware, PCs,
     laptops, servers and services for the USM and the Maryland 
     Educational Enterprise Consortium

  Motion for approval by Regent Chapman; moved by Regent Nevins;
  seconded by Regent Wood and unanimously approved.
  8. Financial Data Report for the Seven Months Ended January 31,
     2002 - information only.

G.   Committee on External Relations
     Regent Kendall presented the report of the March 1, 2002
     meeting of the Committee.

H.   Committee on Technology
     Regent Wood presented the report of the January 14 and March
     11, 2002 meetings of the Committee.  Regent Wood stated that
     the $1.2 million seed money has been approved for the
     Digital Divide Initiative with an additional $400,000
     approved for Morgan State.  The money will be available on
     July 1, 2002.

I.   Report of Domestic Partners Task Force
     Regent Larson presented a report of the Task Force stating
     that due to the uncertain budget climate, further work will
     be deferred until a clearer picture develops.  Regent Larson
     encouraged input regarding Domestic Partners from the
     Council of University System Staff; other groups, councils
     and individuals have forwarded comments and suggestions to
     the Regents.

J.   Additional New Business
     Regent Chapman noted that two additional members of the USM
     staff would be leaving.  Vice Chancellor Charles R.
     Middleton will become president of Roosevelt University and
     Dr. T.J. Bryan will become Vice Chancellor of Academic
     Affairs for the University of Pennsylvania System.
     Regent Gonzales, chairman of the Education Policy Committee,
     stated how much she had enjoyed working with both and
     appreciated their assistance over the years.
K.  Adjournment:  12:38 p.m.