Approved 8/23/02
July 10, 2002
Bowie State University
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session on Friday, July 10, 2002, at Bowie State University
beginning at 8:30 a.m. Those present were: Chairman Chapman,
Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Hoyer, Johnson,
Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe,
Tydings, Wood. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the
agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for
consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting
adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with the Chancellor on Friday, July 10, 2002, at Bowie
State University beginning at 12:45 p.m. Those present were:
Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano,
Houghton, Johnson, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins,
Rasheed, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood, Interim Chancellor Vivona,
Assistant Attorney Generals John Anderson and Alex Short and Ms.
Ryan. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that
were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in
closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Minutes of both sessions are attached.
A. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host Institution
Regent Chapman called the public meeting of the Board of Regents
of the University System of Maryland to order at 9:10 a.m. on
Friday, July 10, 2002 at Bowie State University. Those present
were Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano,
Houghton, Hoyer, Johnson, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins,
Rasheed, Rosapepe, Tydings, Wood, Interim Chancellor Vivona, Vice
Chancellor Martin, Presidents Boesch, Burnett, Dudley-Eshbach,
Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, Thompson,
Interim President Jones and Acting President Legon, Vice
President Roger Bruszewski (Frostburg), Assistant Attorney
Generals John Anderson and Alex Short, Ms. Ryan, members of the
press and other guests.
Dr. Calvin W. Lowe, President of Bowie State University welcomed
the Regents, Presidents and other guests and presented an
overview of the campus and plans for the future.
B. Committee of the Whole
Chairman Chapman introduced newly appointed Regent Orlan M.
Johnson; newly appointed president of UMES, Thelma B.
Thompson, Acting President Ron Legon of UB and Dr. Donald
Boesch as USM Interim Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.
Dr. Boesch will continue in his role as President of UMCES
as well.
1 and 2: The minutes of the April 12, 2002 and May 15, 2002
meetings of the Board of Regents were unanimously
3. The Nominating Committee presented the slate of officers
for FY 2002:
Nathan A. Chapman, Jr. - Chairman
Charles R. Larson - Vice Chair
Steny H. Hoyer - Secretary
Thomas B. Finan - Treasurer
William T. Wood - Assistant Secretary
Patricia S. Florestano - Assistant Treasurer
Request to approve by Regent Wood on behalf of Regent
Finan; moved by Regent Tydings; seconded by Regent Hoyer
and unanimously approved.
Regent Chapman thanked the Board for the opportunity to
serve again as chairman. Regent Chapman stated that this
was a time of transition and as such, he will resign as
chairman following the November election so that the new
governor will have the opportunity to develop his or her
relationship with a new chair. He then thanked the
regents, presidents and staff for their help and
assistance over the years on the board as a member and
chair, noting especially Regent Billingsley as immediate
past chair.
4. Chairman Chapman presented the FY 2003 Schedule of
Meetings for the Board of Regents. There was a
discussion on the possibility of moving the August
2002 meeting to September. Since a number of regents
had adjusted their schedules for August , the original
date will stand. It was suggested that in coming
years that meetings be held in June and September
rather than July and August. Regent Chapman
requested that Regent Josey and the Organization and
Compensation committee discuss the issue of a change of
meeting dates for the future. Regents requested that
the proposed dates be retained for this calendar year
and that Friday is the preferred day for full Board
meetings. No official vote recorded.
C. Committee on Finance - Regent Nevins
1. Regent Nevins presented the report from the Finance
Committee meeting of June 20, 2002.
2. UMCP Parking Fees for FY 2003. The UMCP parking fee
schedule was returned to the Finance Committee after
the April 2002 meeting for further review. The
parking rates for faculty, students and those
staff who are not eligible to participate in a
negotiating group were presented for approval.
UMCP has convened a group to discuss and presented
alternative parking proposals for the staff who are
Request for approval by Regent Nevins; seconded by
Regent Josey.
Chairman Chapman recognized a member of the local union
who presented Mr. Chapman with an open letter to the
Chairman Chapman then recognized Juan Glover, President
of the local AFSCME. who presented problems that
employees were having at a Bowie State University.
Regent Chapman stated that while he respected the issues
and concerns tat the group were bringing to the meeting,
this wasn't the proper venue for discussion. He
requested that Regent Josey, representing the Committee
on Organization and Compensation, accompany the group
and meet with them so that their issues could be heard.
He also requested that she meet with President Lowe in
the near future to discuss the problems presented by the
A brief discussion followed with Regent Rosapepe
expressing his concerns of the parking fee saying that
the plan was not comprehensive and the underlying issues
of smart growth are not being addressed. He will not
vote to approve the item.
Motion approved with Regent Rosapepe voting no. The
Board requests that UMCP move expeditiously with the
task force to examine alternative fee schedules and
parking issues by February 1, 2003.
Regent Nevins placed Items 3 and 4 on the consent agenda:
3. FY 2004 Capital Budget Request of $174,668,000; System
Priority Listing; FY 2004-2008 Capital Improvement
program; FY 2004-2013 Ten Year Capital Plan
4. FY 2003 System Funded Construction Program Request of
Request for approval by Regent Nevins; seconded by Regent
Rosapepe and unanimously approved.
Regent Nevins placed items 5-13 on the consent agenda:
5. Twenty-First Bond Resolution
6. Extension of Deadlines for Contingent Category II Employee
Conversion to Regular Status
7. Coppin State College Facilities Master Plan 2001-2011
8. UMB School As Lender Program
9. UMCP Wireless Integrated Mobile Data Communications
Network, Capital Area Wireless Integrated Network
Project (CapWIN)- Approval of Procurement Transaction
Exceeding $5million 10. UMCP Construction of a Child
Care Center
10. UMCP Construction of a Child Care Center
11. UMCP Increase in Budget Scope for Student Housing
12. UMCP Increase Scope and Cost of Comcast Center
13. UMCP Change in Scope for the Engineering and Applied
Sciences Project (Kim Engineering Building)
Request to approve by Regent Nevins; seconded by Regent
A brief discussion followed:
President Burnett thanked the Regents for accepting the
Coppin Master Plan.
Regent Rosapepe wanted reassurance that the delay for
implementation of the Contingent Category II Employee to
Regular Status was short-term. Interim Chancellor Vivona
stated that, due to current budget constraints, the
implementation would be postponed for one year.
Regent Florestano requested that Item 8, UMB Lender
Program be briefly explained. George Shoenberger,
Assistant Vice President or Procurement and Business
Services, spoke on behalf of UMB. The program, under
Federal Financial Aid Law, which allows the university to
become a lender establishing a line of credit with a bank
selected through an RFP process. Student loans would be
made to students who have the option of borrowing from
UMB or any other lender of their choice. UMB does
approximately $50 million in loans for graduate students
and would expect to realize over $1 million in revenue a
year, which will be used, for student financial aid
Regent Rosapepe congratulated UMCP for moving ahead with
the construction of the Child Care Center. It is very
important for everyone associated with the campus.
Regent Chapman also congratulated Dr. Mote on this center
and for recognizing that the composition of our student
body is changing and that we have to be willing to change
with it.
Items 5 through 13 unanimously approved.
The following items were present for information purposes
14. Enrollment Projections 2002-2011
15. Review of Capital Improvement Projects
16. Financial Data Report for the Ten Months Ended April 30,
C. Report of the Committee on Education Policy
1. Regent Florestano presented the report of the Education
Policy Committee meeting on June 21, 2002.
Regent Florestano placed items 2, 3, and 4 on the consent
2. New Program Proposals:
a. BSU, M.A. and Certificate of Advanced Study in School
b. SU, B.A. in International Studies
c. TU, B.S., Integrated Elementary Education-Special
d. UB, Doctor of Management Information Systems
e. UMCP, M.S. and Ph.D. in Bioengineering
3. New Program Proposal: Master of Science in Mathematics
Education at SU
4. Modifications to Format for New Academic Program Proposals
and Addition of Required Annotations in Resources Table
Accompanying New Program Proposals.
Moved by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Hoyer and
unanimously approved.
5. Resolution on Student Riots
The resolution had been referred back to the Education
Policy Committee following the April 12, 2002 meeting.
Subsequently the resolution was reviewed by the System
Vice Presidents for Student Affairs, the Vice Presidents
for Academic Affairs and Provosts Council.
UMCP Vice President Linda Clement was asked to explain
the changes from the original resolution:-
(1) change from immediate expulsion to presumtive
(2) Adhere to due process as contained in the new
(3) A move from three years to one year for term of
expulsion before being allowed to reenter any System
Regent Rosapepe voiced concern over the reduction of
time that a student could return after expulsion.
Regent Wood said that his understanding is that a
student would be eligible to be readmitted after a year
but the student would still have to apply and be
admitted. The campus would retain the right to hold
readmission to up to three years.
Regent Florestano stated that the Vice Presidents and
Provosts thought that this was a fair procedure to make
it permissive so that it could be 2, 3 or 4 years but
not necessarily required based on the seriousness of the
Regent Rasheed stated that the resolution was vetted
through the University System Student Council and
accepted as presented.
Regent Rosapepe offered a resolution requesting the
three year term be reinstated.
The resolution failed due to lack of a second.
Resolution on Student Riots was unanimously approved as
Congressman Hoyer had to leave the meeting at this time.
6. Changes to the Constitution of the Council of University
System Faculty (I-2.00)
Moved by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Nevins
and unanimously approved as presented.
7. Institutional Minority Achievement Plans
Moved by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Wood and
unanimously approved as presented.
8. Low-Productivity Programs
Moved by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Nevins
and unanimously approved to endorse the program
The following items were presented for information purposes:
9. New Academic Programs Not Requiring Board Action
10. Teacher Education Regents' Initiative
11. Annual Review of Activities of Destructive Groups at USM
12. K-16 Council Update
Interim Vice Chancellor Boesch stated that an MOU that
been signed with multiple sectors to work on K-16
issues. There has been a great deal of success in
working with the community colleges on the Associate of
Arts in Teaching degree and the articulation from the
program to the four year programs in our USM
Regent Florestano stated that Chancellor Designate
Kirwan would be chairing the K-16 Council with State
Superintendent Grasmick and MHEC Secretary Johnson.
E. Committee on External Relations
1. In the absence of Regent Josey, Vice Chancellor John
Martin presented the report of the External Relations
Committee meeting of May 2, 2002.
2. Policy on Use of Foundation and Alumni Association
Funds to Provide Economic Benefits to USM Employees.
There was discussion on the policy with questions
regarding whether the State Ethics Commission had seen
the policy. John Anderson stated that it had not, but
that it could easily be arranged. Regent Billingsley
suggested that the approved policy be shared with the
Ethics Committee with agreement from Chairman Chapman.
Regent Nevins if the BOR would have authority to approve
additional compensation for the president of an
institution from foundation funds in advance.
John Anderson: At this time, no.
Regent Nevins offered an amendment to the policy to state
that approval by the Board of Regents would be required
in advance before USM presidents could receive additional
compensation their Foundation.
Motion to include amendment by Chairman Chapman; seconded
by Regent Florestano; unanimously approved
Motion for approval of policy with amendment by Regent
Chapman, moved by Regent Rosapepe; seconded by Regent
Florestano and unanimously approved.
3. Vice Chancellor Martin reported on the very successful
Capital Campaign. The $700,000,000 campaign closed out
on June 30, 2000 and is expected to have raised about
$900,000,000 when the final tabulation is completed.
F. Report of the Technology Committee
Regent Wood gave a brief report of the May 13, 2002 meeting.
He presented an update on the Digital Divide Initiative
stating that the funds have been distributed to the three
institutions that are affected within the System (BSU,
Coppin State College and UMES). The distribution programs
at the three campuses have been approved and are underway.
A ceremony to recognize the DDI will be scheduled at a later
G. Reports of the Advisory Councils
1. Council of University System Presidents - President Ramsay
presented the report for Dr. Gira, who is recovering from
surgery. Stated that it has been an event-filled year for
the System institutions with the implementation of
collective bargaining and its implications; appointment
of a new chancellor; approval of the OCR agreement;
events of September 11th; changing political landscape;
poor health care system for the poor; flat budget year.
In spite of everything, our institutions are doing very
well with excellent students; good faculty retention;
increase in research dollars. The Presidents urge the
Regents to work with the governor and legislature to
continue funding higher education. He thanked the
Regents on behalf of the presidents for their help
and for working with them.
2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. William
Chapin presented a brief report of the Council.
He stated that this would be his last meeting as
chair of the CUSF and that Dr. David Parker of SU
would be the new chair.
Regent Florestano thanked Dr. Chapin for his work as
chair of CUSF.
3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Roy Ross presented
the report of the CUSS. He announced that Mr. Joe Hill of
UMBC will be the new chair of CUSS and Mr. Ross would
remain as Staff Advisor to the Regents. Areas of concern
for the coming year include Employee Assistance Programs,
Alcohol Abuse Policy, Collective Bargaining.
Regent Kendall thanked Mr. Ross for his work as CUSS
4. University System Student Council - Mr. Andrew Canter
presented the report on behalf of Mr. Tyler Patton
from SU, who will be the chair of USSC for the upcoming
H. New Business
1. Discussion of FY 2004 Tuition Rates. Regent Vivona
presented a preliminary discussion of tuition and
fee rates that will be included in the 2004 budget.
Mr. Vivona advised the Regents to stay with the
overall tuition cap of 4% for in-state undergraduate
students for planning purposes and wait the outcome
of the next legislative session before making further
adjustments. It is important that we continue to
demonstrate the requirement for reasonable state
funding regardless of the economic situation.
We need to demonstrate the Board's commitment to
affordability and also need to think how enrollment
will be impacted by the level of state support over
the long term.
2. Remarks of Interim Chancellor Vivona. Mr Vivona
thanked the Board of Regents for the opportunity
to serve as Interim Chancellor and is looking
forward to continuing his role as Vice Chancellor
and assisting the future of the System. We will be in
a time of transition with a new Governor, new
legislators, new Chancellor and four new presidents
all of whom will need a great deal of information
and assistance. Mr. Vivona thanked Regent
Chapman and Billingsley for their work over the
years saying that they had presided over the
largest expansion of resource in the System's history.
3. Resolutions of Recognition for Regents Louise Michaux
Gonzales and Saleem A. Rasheed were read into record by
Regent Wood:
WHEREAS, Louise Michaux Gonzales has served as a member of the
Board of Regents since 1996, bringing to her service a commitment
to excellence, fairness, humor, and attention to detail that have
greatly benefited the University System; and
WHEREAS, her knowledge and expertise as an attorney and her
wisdom, patience, and integrity have added tremendous value to
the Board, particularly in her service to the Organization and
Compensation and Education Policy Committees; and
WHEREAS, she very effectively led the Education Policy
Committee during the greatest program expansion in the history of
the University System, and skillfully represented the Regents in
such matters as the Partnership Agreement with the U.S.
Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and the Coppin
State College Study; and
WHEREAS, she has developed a keen understanding of the issues
the University System faces and has been on the frontlines of
creating strategies to meet numerous and difficult challenges,
such as providing greater educational access for students across
the state; and
WHEREAS, she has been an advocate of team-building among the
Board of Regents, respected the unique role that Regents play in
shaping a great university system, and consistently worked during
her tenure to build bridges with other entities, including the
Maryland Higher Education Commission and the Maryland General
Assembly; and
WHEREAS, her energy and intelligence have brought out the best
in those with whom she worked, whether they were fellow Board
members or colleagues within the University System of Maryland;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents of the
University System of Maryland gratefully acknowledges Louise
Michaux Gonzales's consistently stellar efforts;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents extends to
Louise Michaux Gonzales its gratitude for the privilege of
working with her to serve the interests of Maryland's citizens.
WHEREAS, Saleem A. Rasheed has served as Student Regent for the
past year and has been a steadfast and articulate advocate for
students throughout the University System of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, his activities on the Board of Regents have been an
extension of the time he has devoted at his own institution,
Bowie State University, to leadership, community-building, and
activism; and
WHEREAS, during his tenure he has striven to ensure open and
positive communications between the USM Student Council and the
Board of Regents;
WHEREAS, he has met each of his responsibilities while serving
as a member of the Board of Regents, has participated fully in
the Board's deliberations, and was a member of the Chancellor
Search and Screening Committee; and
WHEREAS, he is respected by fellow Regents for his commitment
to the Board, his support of the University System, and his
strong belief in higher education;
gratefully acknowledges Saleem A. Rasheed's contributions to
strengthening the University System of Maryland;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Regents wishes Saleem
A. Rasheed much success in all of his future endeavors and looks
forward to his continuing advocacy on behalf of the University
I. Meeting Adjourned: 11:29 a.m.