April 8, 2005
University of Baltimore
Regent Florestano moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the
Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive
Session with the Chancellor on Friday, April 8, 2005 at the University
of Baltimore at 11:15 a.m. and adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Those present
were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Acosta, Finan, Florestano, Gill,
Horine, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit,
Pevenstein, Rosapepe, and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Ms. Ryan,
Assistant Attorney Generals Goedert and Short. The Board of
Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under
the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive
Minutes of the Public Session - April 8, 2005
A. Chairman Kendall called the meeting of the University
System of Maryland Board of Regents to order at 9:15 a.m. on Friday,
April 8, 2005 at the University of Baltimore. Those in attendance
were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Acosta, Finan, Florestano, Gill,
Horine, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit,
Pevenstein, Rosapepe and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors
Goldstein, Schwab and Vivona, Assistant Attorney Generals Goedert
and Short, Presidents Battle, Boesch, Bogomolny, Caret, Dudley-Eshbach,
Gira, Heeger, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, Thompson, Vice
President Johnson (UMBC), Vice President Orlin (UMB), Ms Ryan,
members of the press and others.
B. President Robert Bogomolny of the University of Baltimore
welcomed the Regents, Chancellor and Presidents to the newly renovated
Moot Court Room. He stated that this is a time of great transition,
opportunity and change at the University of Baltimore with a new
leadership team, commitment to partnerships and collaborations,
renewed commitment to the city and region, highest enrollment in
a decade, increased focus on giving, promotion of centers of
excellence. Two faculty and two students then presented brief
statements on their work at UB.
C. Committee of the Whole
- Minutes from the February 18, 2005 meeting were unanimously approved.
- Regent Kendall and Chancellor Kirwan presented the 2005 Regent's
Faculty Awards to:
a. Dr. Rosemary Jagus (COMB) and Dr. Eric May (UMES)
Collaboration in Teaching
b. Dr. Miranda Schruers (UMCP) and Professor Robert
Percival (UMB) - Collaboration in Teaching
c. Dr. Marylu McEwen (UMCP) - Mentoring
d. Professor Enrique Codas (UMB) - Public Service
e. Dr. Clara Small (SU) - Public Service
f. Dr. Warren I. Cohen (UMBC) - Research/Scholarship/Creative
g. Dr. David T. Levy (UB) - Research/Scholarship/Creative
h. Dr. Diane K. Stoecker (UMCES) -
Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity
i. Dr. Paz Galupo (TU) - Teaching
j. Dr. John Pease (UMCP) - Teaching
k. Dr. Maynard Mack (UMCP) - Teaching
- Chancellor Kirwan presented his report. Full report on file
with the minutes and the USM web site.
Items of Note:
- MHEC approval of the joint MBA program with UB and Towson University;
- Recognition of numerous USM representatives in the Daily Record's
100 Leading Women in the State including President Dudley-Eshbach;
- UMBC Chess Team won National Collegiate Chess Championship;
- UMCP entrepreneurship program ranked nationally; 2 graduate school
programs top ranked; 31 programs ranked in top 10 nationally;
- UMB Law School recognized in US News
- Anne Moultrie has arranged visits with the editorial boards to
discuss the future of higher education in Maryland and the impact
of the Board E&E initiatives, the legislative session and long
term systematic approach to funding of higher education.
- Dr. Kirwan thanked the Regents, presidents and their staffs,
with special recognition to Joe Bryce and Roz Hamlett for their
efforts during the legislative session.
4. Appointment of Board Nominating Committee - Regent Kendall
appointed Regent Finan, Chair, Regents Florestano, Hug, Mandel
and Pettit. Chairman Kendall announced that he would not stand
as a candidate for chair for next year. The election of officers
will take place at the June 22, 2005 meeting of the Regents.
D. Report of the Councils
1. President Bogomolny presented the report of the Council
of University System Presidents. The Presidents have
been addressing issues and concerns with the tuition
policy; the issue of mandatory costs. The Presidents
participated in a leadership meeting concerning the
upcoming capital campaign.
2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Richardson
presented the report. CUSF is very concerned about the
increased costs and changes in the health care
benefits and the potential problems for 10 month
employees if benefits are figured on a fiscal year as
opposed to the calendar year.
Chancellor Kirwan stated that this change is a real
concern; the State wants to align health care
with the budget year and there is not much impact
we can have on the decision.
3. Council of University System Staff report was presented
by Angie Brickhouse, Vice Chair. She stated that the CUSS
is worried about the changes and increased costs of health
care and the effects on the USM staff.
4. University System Student Council - no report.
E. Committee on Education Policy - Regent Florestano
1. Minutes of March 18, 2005 Meeting.
2. Creation of a Four-Year Undergraduate Program at the
of Baltimore. Regent Florestano moved for approval;
seconded by Regent Hug and unanimously approved
3. New Program Proposals
a. UMUC: Bachelor of Science in Gerontology.
Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by
Regent Mitchell and unanimously approved.
b. UMUC: Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Homeland
Security. Regent Florestano moved for
approval; seconded by Regent Rosapepe and
unanimously approved.
4. School of Public Health at UMB. Regent Florestano
moved for approval; seconded by Regent Gill and
unanimously approved.
The following items were presented as information:
5. Report on Racial and Gender Distribution of Faculty
in USM
6. Report on External Funding
7. Intercollegiate Athletics:
a. Annual Reports on Intercollegiate Athletics from
USM Institutions
b. Academic Progress Rates at NCAA Division I Institutions
8. Report on USM Regional Centers at Shady Grove and Hagerstown
9. USM Enrollment Projections, 2005-2014
10. K-16 Update
F. Regent Nevins presented the report of the March 17,
2005 meeting of the Committee on Finance.
- Minutes of the March 17, 2005 Meeting were approved.
- Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2006. Regent Nevins,
moved for approval, seconded by Regent Florestano and
unanimously approved.
Regent Nevins moved that items 3 through 6 be placed on
the consent agenda; seconded by Regent Pevenstein.
- Rescission of BOR VII-5.50 - Policy on Endowment Funds
Investment Objectives
- Proposed Amendment to the Nonexempt Staff Employees Salary
- UMB: Student Dental Clinics Management Contract
- UMBC: Food Service Contract Renewal
Items unanimously approved.
7. USM Enrollment Projections: 2005-2014. Moved
for approval by Regent Nevins, seconded by
Regent Finan and unanimously approved.
The following items were presented for information:
8. USM: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report
for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2004
9. USM: Report on FY 2004 Procurement Contracts
G. Report of the Workgroups
1. Capital Campaign Work Group - Regent Houghton stated
that the workgroup will meet on May 2. Mr. John Cash
of Marts and Lundy will facilitate a discussion with
Regents and USM Presidents and Vice Presidents of
Advancement on the upcoming capital campaign.
2. E&E Work Group Report - Regent Kendall stated
the group is monitoring the implementation of
items; welcome new suggestions from all. He
commended the presidents and staffs for their creative ideas.
H. New Business
1. University of Baltimore Mission Statement - Regent
Florestano moved for endorsement; seconded by Regent
Nevins and unanimously approved.
Chancellor Kirwan said that since Chairman Kendall has
announced he will not run for chair next year, he
wanted to say how much we value Mr. Kendall's
leadership and efforts to the Board and the institutions.
Regent Tydings then congratulated the Regents, Chancellor
and Presidents for their work with the legislators
during this year - it is the first time in his memory
that the legislators have not cut the System budget.
The Chairman and Chancellor are to be commended for their
extraordinary efforts.
I. The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.