Latest Updates on the Semester
Planning for a safe and rewarding experience for our university communities
The safety of the USM's students, faculty, staff, and neighbors has been our top priority and the focus of every one of our decisions since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. By working together with a sense of shared responsibility, our university communities can experience a safe and rewarding semester.
USM Statements
April 18, 2022 USM Statement on Fall 2022 Semester and COVID-19 Safety Protocols
February 14, 2022 USM Statement on the Adjustment of COVID Mitigation Strategies
January 7, 2022 USM Requires COVID Boosters for Residential Students
December 2, 2021 Update on USM COVID Protocols
View prior statements on the USM response to COVID-19.
COVID Response at USM Institutions
With guidance from the USM Return to Campus Advisory Group, each USM institution has developed a comprehensive COVID-19 response plan to ensure the health and safety of all on campus. USM institutions may establish health and safety policies that take into consideration institution-specific factors.