USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

Statewide Sustainability Efforts

A number of recent actions by the State, coupled with formal commitments being made by universities across the country to make their campuses "climate-neutral," have placed the challenge of Climate Change squarely in the middle of everything we do.

Governor O'Malley signed Executive Order No.01.01.2007.07 on April 20th that created a Statewide Climate Change Commission to advise the Governor and General Assembly on matters related to climate change. 

The Commission and its subcommittees are currently working to:

(1) develop a plan of action to address the drivers and causes of climate change;

(2) prepare for the likely consequences and impacts of climate change to Maryland; and

(3) establish firm benchmarks and timetables for implementing the Plan of Action

USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

The 21-member Commission has been charged to:
  • Inventory Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Calculate Maryland's "Carbon Footprint"
  • Recommend goals to affect these reductions, including timetables.

Maryland Smart, Green and Growing Program

Maryland Green Building Council 2007 Annual Report

State of Maryland Energy Conservation Goals

Maryland Climate Change Commission (and workgroups)

Maryland Green Buildings site

Transition Work Group Report on Environmental and Natural Resources

Center for Climate Change (Consultant to Maryland's Climate Change efforts)

Maryland Department of the Environment

Please send your ideas and comments regarding campus sustainability to

The General Assembly also had a very "green" session passing legislation focused on a number of key environmental issues, including reconstituting the Maryland Green Buildings Council. This Council is charged with making recommendations for developing and implementing guidelines (e.g., LEED rating targets) for all State projects. The challenge of climate change mitigation will play a key role in State policies and budgets into the foreseeable future and the System is prepared to make it not only an ongoing theme, but the basis and philosophical framework upon which we build and operate our institutions