USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative


Click on links to view recent USM and institution presentations

December 4, 2018 Workshop: USM Sustainability Summit

Sustainability and Civic Engagement, S. Surak (SU)

Sustainability, Ouellette and Monroe (UMUC)

Teaching Sustainability, R. Ouellette (UMUC)

Plastic Straw Reduction Collaboration, W. Shelton (SU), H. Bailey (UMCES), A. Tjaden (UMCP)

Carbon Offsets, Renewable Energy Credits, S. DeLeon (UMCP)

MD Energy Admin SALP, C. Russel (MEA)

Maryland Clean Energy Center, W. Shiflett (MCEC)

September 20, 2018 Workshop -

USM Stormwater Conference

Introduction to Stormwater Management (Steve Reid, UMD)

Who is MES and how can we help? (Maryland Environmental Service)

MS4 Workshop Presentation (Maryland Environmental Service)

March 8, 2017 Workshop -

USM System-wide Sustainability Summit

CAP 2.0 (Mark Stewart and Sally DeLeon)

Key strategies for sustaining Energy Gains (Sally DeLeon, Jason Dietterick, and Donald Hill)

USM Sustainability Summit-Improving Our Energy State-Through Sustainability Practices (Mary-Ann Ibeziako)


Chestertown Goes Green

Managing Commuter GHGs:Lessons and Resources for Maryland Insitutions

May 1, 2009 Workshop -

ACUPCC Presidents Climate Commitment Presentation Handouts

UMCP Energy Initiatives [Power Point] (Joan Kowal)

Bowie State University [PDF] (Patricia Hughes)

Coppin State University [PDF] (Monica Randall)

Frostburg State University [PDF] (John Brewer)

Johns Hopkins University [PDF] (Davis Bookhart)

Morgan State University [PDF] (Kenneth Ellis)

St. Mary's College [PDF] (Christophe Bornand)

Salisbury University [PDF] (Kevin Mann and Wayne Shelton)

Towson University [PDF] (Jack Nye)

University of Baltimore [PDF] (Steve Cassard)

University of Maryland, Baltimore [PDF] (Bob Rowan)

University of Maryland, Baltimore County [PDF] (Jim Dolan)

University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute [PDF] (Michael Yates)

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [PDF] (Nancy Jones)

University of Maryland, College Park [PDF] (Scott Lupin)

University of Maryland, Eastern Shore [PDF] (Preston Cottman)

University of Maryland University College [PDF] (George Trujillo)

May 1, 2008 Workshop

Implementing the ACUPCC - Organization, Priorities and Other Considerations
Scott Lupin, University of Maryland, College Park (1.5MB)

Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG) - Doing It Yourself
Ray Blank, Frostburg State University (3.7MB)

Campus Carbon Inventory - Challenges and Responses
Matthias Ruth and Ramy Serour, University of Maryland, College Park (671KB)

Energy Conservation Initiatives
Joan Kowal, University of Maryland, College Park (472KB)

President's Climate Commitment - Tangible Actions
Ray Blank, Frostburg State University (728KB)

USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

October 11, 2007 Workshop

Don Boesch - Climate Change Commission (1.3Mb)

Earth Images

Joe Vivona and Don Boesch - USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

Jonathan Gibralter - Frostburg State University Mitigation Activities

Jonathan Gibralter - Frostburg State University Mitigation Working Group

Ron Brown, UMB  - LEED New Construction and LEED Existing Buildings

Shady Grove - LEED Gold Building (7.4Mb)

Matthias Ruth and Scott Lupin - University of Maryland College Park Sustainability (3.0Mb)

Please send your ideas and comments regarding campus sustainability to