Indicators and Benchmarks
The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
Coppin State College (CSC) is a public, urban, historically black institution offering undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts and sciences and human services.
Founded in 1900, Coppin State is a public, urban, historically black institution offering undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts and sciences and human services. The College has an inextricable relationship with the West Central Baltimore community. The integration of the instructional and public service roles of the institution results in high quality academic programs and provisions for health care, education, social services and, correctional and law enforcement personnel to the community. Powered by information technology as the centerpiece for achieving its institutional goals, Coppin offers innovative, career-oriented academic programs designed to serve the needs of the Central City, the metropolitan area, the State, and the nation. Through cultural and academic programs, the College serves as an urban center for African-American culture.
Coppin embodies excellence as a pioneer in urban education and public service as it excels as a model comprehensive, urban liberal arts college both regionally and nationally.
Goal 1. Increase access for African American students.
Objective 1.1 By 2005, increase the African American student enrollment by an average of 2% each year from 3,766 in 1998 to 4,487.
Goal 2. Create and maintain a well-educated work force for critical workforce shortage areas such as teacher education, information technology, and nursing.
Objective 2.1 By 2005, increase to 85% the percentage of graduates joining the Maryland workforce from 82% in 1998.
Objective 2.2 By 2005, increase by 5% the number of teacher education graduates hired by Baltimore metropolitan area public schools from 97 in 1998 to 110.
Objective 2.3 By 2005, increase by 5% the percent of management science and computer science graduates hired in Information Technology fields within Maryland from 63 in 1998 to 66.
Goal 3 Achieve and sustain academic program excellence at a level similar to CSC aspirational peers.
Objective 3.1 By 2005, increase to 40% the percentage of graduates pursuing graduate study immediately after graduation from 37% in 1998.
Objective 3.2 By 2005, increase the number of students who graduate to a level similar to CSC's aspirational peers where the average 6-year graduation rate was 30% in 1998.
Objective 3.3 By 2005, teacher education graduates attain 85% passing rate on the Praxis I and II examinations from 75% in 1998 on the Praxis Core Battery (Education) licensure examination and 80% in 1998 on the Praxis Specialty Areas licensure examination.
Objective 3.4 By 2005, nursing graduates attain 90% passing rate on the NCLEX (Nursing) licensure examination from 84% in 1999.
Goal 4. Sustain and advance community outreach and service.
Objective 4.1 By 2005, increase by 10% the number of day's faculty and students spend in college initiated community outreach and service activities such as the Coppin State/Rosemont Elementary School Initiative and the CSC Nurse Managed Health Center from 1,911 in 1998.
Goal 5. Maximize the efficient use of State resources.
Objective 5.1 By 2005, increase by 10% students enrolled in off-campus or through distance education programs from 326 in 1998.
Goal 6. Increase alternative revenue sources.
Objective 6.1 By 2005, increase alternative revenues from external funding and private support to a cumulative $7.5 million from $4.6 million in 1998.
Indicators: |
Actual |
Actual |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Outcomes: |
Six-year graduation rate comparable to peer institutions1 |
19% |
25.3% |
30% |
30% |
Second-year retention rate comparable to peer institutions1 |
76% |
* |
75% |
75% |
Percent of private giving for scholarships |
9% |
* |
9% |
9% |
Percent all minorities of total undergraduate enrollment1 |
98% |
* |
97% |
97% |
Number of teacher candidates |
* |
* |
97 |
97 |
Percent of management science and computer science graduates |
* |
* |
98% |
98% |
Number certified teachers available to staff Baltimore City schools |
* |
* |
97 |
97 |
Increase by 10% number students enrolled in programs delivered off campus or through distance education. |
188 |
* |
326 |
326 |
Days faculty and students spend in community outreach. |
1,534 |
1,617 |
2,200 |
2,200 |
Outputs: |
NCLEX (Nursing) licensure exam passing rate2 |
84% |
83% |
90% |
90% |
Student satisfaction with job preparation |
96% |
* |
97% |
97% |
Praxis Core Battery (Education) licensure exam passing Rate2 |
91% |
* |
75% |
75% |
Praxis Specialty Areas licensure exam passing rate2 |
84% |
* |
85% |
85% |
Student satisfaction with grad/prof school preparation. |
* |
* |
97% |
97% |
Regional and national accreditations1 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Percent of newly hired faculty with terminal degrees. |
38% |
* |
100% |
100% |
Outcomes: |
Unemployment rate of graduates2 |
* |
* |
10% |
10% |
Percent of graduates pursuing graduate study immediately after graduation |
32% |
* |
37% |
37% |
Employer satisfaction2 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Median salary of graduates ($000's) 2 |
$28.5 |
* |
$27.0 |
$27.0 |
Percent of graduates joining the Maryland workforce2 |
87.6% |
* |
82% |
82% |
Percent of management science and computer science graduates hired in Information technology fields |
* |
* |
98% |
98% |
Percent of faculty with terminal degrees |
67% |
71% |
70% |
70% |
Notes: * Data not available.
External data
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