In its 1999 session, the General Assembly of Maryland directed the Regents of the University System of Maryland (USM) to develop a new strategic plan for the University System, one that is consistent with the State plan for higher education and that incorporates the principles and priorities for higher education articulated in State law. The plan, approved by the
USM Board of Regents on July 7, 2000, is available below. "The USM in 2010:
Responding to the Challenges that Lie Ahead" presents what the University System of Maryland can and ought to be in the year 2010, identifies challenges the USM faces in realizing the plan, and articulates specific, measurable strategies USM institutions must undertake in order to succeed.
The plan is intended to be a "work in progress," review annually
and updated and amended as necessary based on stakeholder feedback and the
evolving needs of the State.
The document is currently available in easy-to-print PDF format (which requires Adobe Reader, a free program downloadable at and will shortly be available to read on our website as well.
The USM in 2010
(PDF download)
The USM in 2010 (HTML version)