The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
Frostburg State University
Mission: Founded in 1898, Frostburg State University is a
comprehensive, largely residential, regional university. It is the only
four-year institution of the USM west of the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan
area. Frostburg State University serves as a premier educational,
economic, and cultural center for Western Maryland. Frostburg State
University attracts advanced learners and provides educational opportunities
for students from nontraditional and minority populations and from rural and
metropolitan areas, creating a student body reflective of contemporary
multicultural society.
The primary program emphasis is undergraduate education. Graduate studies and
research also constitute significant components of the educational enterprise,
enrolling students in advanced study consistent with the needs of the region and
State. Scholarly activity, including undergraduate and graduate research, the
application of technology, and community and professional service by faculty are
also indispensable to the vitality of the university. In order to prepare a
well-trained workforce and contribute to economic development, teaching and
research are the most important professional activities and responsibilities of
the faculty. Students expand their knowledge, understanding, communication
skills, and appreciation for cultural diversity in a supportive environment.
Goal I
USM academic programs will evolve to meet the changing educational needs of
a growing and increasingly diverse undergraduate and graduate student population
and will enhance the quality of life for all Maryland citizens.
Undergraduate resident tuition
- Seek relief under the USM tuition policy in order to reduce out-of-state
tuition rates for undergraduate students in contiguous counties of
neighboring states.
- Limit the growth in tuition and fees to complement increased State funding
under the MHEC funding guidelines.
Minority achievement
- Meet or exceed the 50th percentile of graduation rates of
minorities of our current peers.
- Sustain minority enrollments at 15% and increase efforts to retain
students of color and other underrepresented populations.
- Recruit and retain a diverse faculty, student body, and staff.
- Encourage recruitment of minority students into underrepresented academic
Baby Boom Echo
- Increase enrollment at least 1% per year.
- Increase instructional facilities, faculty, and staff to accommodate
increased enrollments.
- Review privatization of housing, expansion of the student union, and
creation of a recreation center.
Undergraduate education
- Develop a strategic plan for the reform of the General Education program
to incorporate interdisciplinary studies, diversity, civic responsibility,
and learning communities.
- Continue development of learning communities for the freshman class of
fall of 2001, including such new initiatives as residential components.
- Provide increased opportunities for undergraduate research.
- Expand opportunities for paid and unpaid internships, service learning,
and leadership experiences, both on- and off-campus.
- Foster civic responsibility by providing opportunities for students to
engage in community service.
- Pursue the necessary funding for the renovation of Tawes Hall to provide
additional space for academic programs and student services.
- Increase availability of financial aid from State allocations.
- Establish collaborative arrangements with other USM institutions to
enhance educational opportunities in Western Maryland.
- Strengthen and expand the honors program and opportunities for study
Online learning and other distance education initiatives
- Plan and implement funding strategies, curriculum development support, and
administrative procedures for the university's initiatives in distance
education, online courses, and Web-enhanced classes.
- Continue to provide and enhance access to information technology for
faculty, students, and staff.
Life-long learning
- Expand course offerings at the USM Center in Hagerstown to serve
non-traditional students.
- Expand certificate offerings for non-traditional students.
- Provide increased continuing education opportunities for alumni.
- Explore opportunities to provide "Elderhostel" experiences.
Technologically competent workforce
- Complete the installation of technology-enhanced classrooms.
- Achieve the goals of the Regents' IT minimum standards.
- Develop discipline-based standards for technological fluency.
- Integrate the Technology Consortium outcomes and performance assessments
into all teacher preparation programs.
- Implement the recommendations of FSU's Technology Plan.
Workforce shortage
- Continue to develop graduate and undergraduate programs (e.g., MS in
Applied Computer Science, MA in Teaching) to respond to workforce needs in
Maryland, especially in education and technology.
- Achieve the benchmarks for graduation rates cited in FSU's "Managing
for Results."
Goal II
USM research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in
science, technology and other key areas, providing the knowledge and
infrastructure to ensure the State's continued economic growth, sustainable
development and international competitiveness.
Competition for faculty
- Move toward salary goals of "Managing for Results" by
establishing funds to increase salary base by at least 2% annually.
- Review and continue to implement salary equity recommendations and
evaluation systems for faculty and staff.
- Increase the number of African-Americans, other persons of color, and
other underrepresented minorities on the faculty and staff.
Faculty development
- Encourage, support, and reward entrepreneurship through consulting and
through the development of intellectual property.
- Provide increased incentives and opportunities for research, scholarship,
and creative activities for faculty.
- Provide regular training to support development of faculty in areas of
distance education, technology, and pedagogy.
- Institute a mentoring program for new faculty.
- Continue to seek external funding for faculty development.
Staff development
- Conduct training and professional development for staff in accordance with
appropriate needs and interests.
- Support LIMS 3 and otherwise enhance the automated and digital resources
of the library.
- Provide training for librarians, faculty, staff, and students in
utilization of electronic resources and databases.
Research and economic development
- Increase numbers, funding amounts, and diversity of contracts and grants.
- Work with Allegany County to attract companies to the biotechnology park
(ABC at FSU).
- Integrate academic partnerships and regional economic development
initiatives (e.g., economic partnerships with businesses).
- Expand research to address societal and community needs, including
environmental research.
Goal III
The USM will achieve its legislative mandate of national eminence and its
fundamental mission to serve the public good while carefully managing growth and
developing System resources.
Reallocation of resources
- Reallocate funds internally to fund technology enhancement, including
distance and on-line learning.
- Reallocate funds internally to support the costs of NCATE and AACSB
Philanthropy and Entrepreneurial Partnerships
- Achieve annual giving benchmark of $1.2m by FY 2002.
- Increase alumni giving: participation rate, average gift size, and number
of major gifts.
- Increase endowed scholarships.
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