The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
University of Maryland University College
Mission: The University of Maryland University College (UMUC)
offers flexible and applied postsecondary educational opportunities to create
and maintain an educated professional workforce within the State of Maryland. On
a global basis, UMUC extends American postsecondary educational opportunities to
U.S. citizens and their families overseas in order to create and maintain an
educated U.S. citizenry abroad. UMUC also extends services to international
markets in order to enhance Maryland economic development and establish the
State as a center for global electronic commerce.
Goal I
USM academic programs will evolve to meet the changing educational needs of
a growing and increasingly diverse undergraduate and graduate student population
and will enhance the quality of life for all Maryland citizens.
UG Resident Tuition
- Through fiscal year 2010, ensure that tuition rates for Maryland
residents, adjusted for inflation, have remained at or less than the fiscal
year 2001 tuition rate.
- By fiscal year 2002, increase by 25% the number of scholarships awarded.
Minority Achievement
- By fiscal year 2002, increase by 25% the number of degrees earned by
African-Americans to a level equal to or exceeding the level of the
established peers.
Baby Boom Echo
- By fiscal year 2002, increase Maryland-based online enrollments by 50%.
- Strengthen the academic infrastructure to absorb significant enrollment
growth while raising levels of quality and expanding delivery options.
- Increase the UMUC presence in Howard Co., Baltimore Co., and Baltimore
- Strengthen marketing efforts to provide greater institutional and program
visibility statewide, nationally, and internationally.
Undergraduate Education
- Expand student and customer services using interactive technology that is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Acquire the latest, most effective state-of-the-art academic delivery
technology and media.
- Build an integrated worldwide academic system that includes a single
faculty, a standard curriculum, common academic standards, and a single set
of policies and procedures.
- Strive to integrate within all curricula an emphasis on the student's
civic responsibility.
- Expand the university's inventory of credit, non-credit, and workshop
offerings leading to degrees, certificates, and professional development.
- Expand academic offerings to members of the military based in the U.S.
Online Learning
- Establish a research and development agenda that supports academic
delivery and enables UMUC to take a national and global leadership role in
adult and online pedagogy.
- Conduct and publish research comparing learning outcomes of
distance-learning students and classroom-based students.
Life-long learning
- Continue to expand the inventory of programs leading to certificates.
Faculty Development
- Provide up-to-date training and re-training for faculty in the pedagogy of
online instruction.
- Design programs to increase the retention rate of minority and female
Competition & Program Development
- Complete the establishment of a for-profit company to expand enrollments
and meet competition.
- Implement innovative academic programs and products that anticipate and
respond to the needs of the Maryland citizens.
- Convert all undergraduate degree specializations to degree majors.
- Expand the inventory of doctoral programs.
Technologically Competent Workforce
- Expand partnerships with Maryland business by providing educational
programs and services to their employees.
Teacher Shortage
- Develop online programs for teacher certification.
IT Shortage
- By fiscal year 2002, increase by 35% the number of degrees earned in
information-technology related programs.
Nursing Shortage
- Explore relationships with sister institutions to address ways in which
UMUC can assist in providing appropriate degrees via online education.
Pharmacist Shortage
- Explore relationships with sister institutions to address part of the
shortage through online education.
Goal II
USM research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in
science, technology and other key areas, providing the knowledge and
infrastructure to ensure the State's continued economic growth, sustainable
development and international competitiveness.
Competition for Faculty
- Enhance faculty recruitment efforts to meet needs of enrollment growth.
- Strengthen the recruitment of minority and female faculty members.
- Attract international faculty to participate in UMUC's global faculty
- Continue to build digital library resources that are consistent with the
21st century virtual university.
Academic Health Center
Research & Economic Development
- Continue to test and develop online education models and expand the
technological infrastructure to establish UMUC as a leading virtual
Goal III
The USM will achieve its legislative mandate of national eminence and its
fundamental mission to serve the public good while carefully managing growth and
developing System resources.
Community Service
- Implement the Better Opportunities Program to educate and prepare
disadvantaged citizens for permanent employment.
Staff Development
- Improve and expand the breadth of the current staff development courses,
seminars, and workshops.
Capital Budget
- Become a full participant in the state capital budgeting process.
Reallocation of Resources
- To change business practices for greater efficiency and effectiveness,
give top budget priority to the implementation of the new integrated
software program for student services, finance, and human relations
Other Management/Effectiveness Strategies
- Consolidate separate UMUC divisions to establish one worldwide university.
- Fully integrate outcomes assessment throughout accountability processes.
Philanthropy and Entrepreneurial Partnerships
- By fall 2001, launch UMUC Online, Inc., beginning with graduate-level
courses and programs.
- Expand philanthropic support for UMUC academic initiatives.
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