Indicators and Benchmarks
The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
RB.29 Salisbury University
Salisbury University (SU) serves the State of Maryland by providing undergraduate liberal arts, sciences, pre-professional and professional programs, and select, mostly applied, graduate programs.
Salisbury University is a regional comprehensive university emphasizing undergraduate liberal arts, sciences, pre-professional and professional programs, and select, mostly applied, graduate programs. The University creates a superior, active, and engaged relationship between academic programs, the faculty, staff, and students and unites diverse and highly qualified faculty and staff in serving academically capable students from both the Western and Eastern Shores of Maryland and other states and nations. Salisbury University prepares its graduates to pursue careers in a global economy and for meeting the State's workforce needs. The University promotes and supports applied research, diversity initiatives, targeted outreach programs, K-16 partnerships, cultural events, and civic engagement in all aspects of community life. Salisbury University recognizes excellence, student-centeredness, learning, community, civic engagement, and diversity as the fundamental values on which it is founded and upon which it serves the State of Maryland.
Salisbury University will continue as a premier regional university that is recognized nationally for excellence by its peers and regionally for its commitment to model programs in civic engagement. Undergraduate research, service learning, international experiences, and co-curricular activities will continue to enrich the traditional academic curriculum and enable students to connect research to practice theory to action. The University will provide graduates who will be recruited by the best employers and graduate schools, and who will contribute to the economic vitality of the State and the Nation. The University will continue to enhance the quality of life for its students, the State, and the region, and will explore opportunities to provide doctoral programs in areas of need.
Goal 1. Maintain a superior, active, and engaged relationship between academic programs, the faculty, staff, and students.
Objective 1.1 Through 2004, the proportion of University graduates who are satisfied with the quality of education will be maintained at no less than the 98% level attained in 2000.
Objective 1.2 The number of professional and other academic programs that are eligible for accreditation and are accredited will increase from 88% in 1999 to 100% by 2002.
Objective 1.3 An annual student pass rate of no less than 90% on medical technology, nursing, respiratory therapy, and teaching licensure and professional exams will be maintained through 2004. The 1999 levels were 80%, 87%, 100%, and 96%, respectively.
Objective 1.4 The proportion of University graduates who are satisfied with their level of preparation for graduate or professional school will increase from 96% in 1998 to 98% in 2004.
Objective 1.5 The proportion of University graduates who are satisfied with their level of preparation for employment will increase from 92% in 1998 to 94% in 2004.
Goal 2. Prepare students for careers in Maryland and a global economy, for civic engagement, and for advanced educational study.
Objective 2.1 Through 2003, the proportion of University graduates who attend graduate school within one year of graduating will be no less than the three-year average going rate of 26% in 1999.
Objective 2.2 Through 2003, the proportion of employers who are satisfied with the entry-level skills of employees who were SU graduates will be maintained at the 100% level attained in 2000.
Objective 2.3 Through 2004, the proportion of graduates employed full-time one-year after graduation will be no less than the three-year average of 83.4% in 1998.
Objective 2.4 Through 2004, the ratio of University graduates employed full-time in Maryland to those employed full-time anywhere shall be no less than the 1999 level of .754.
Objective 2.5 The median salary of University graduates employed full-time one year after graduation will increase from $25,500 in 1998 to $32,500 by 2004.
Objective 2.6 Through 2004, the number of Teachers Education graduates employed, as teachers in Maryland shall be greater than the .771 ratio of in-state to out-of-state Teachers Education graduates in 1999.
Objective 2.7 Through 2004, the number of Information Technology graduates employed in IT related fields in Maryland shall be greater than the .765 ratio of in-state to out-of-state graduates in information technology fields in 1999.
Goal 3. Continue to be partners in responding to the educational, economic, cultural and social needs of the region and State.
Objective 3.1 The annual number of University graduates in information technology (IT) fields will increase from 48 in 1999 to 60 by 2004.
Objective 3.2 The annual number of University graduates in Teachers Education will increase from its five-year average of 229 in 1999 to 235 in 2004.
Objective 3.3 The second-year retention rates of University first-time, full-time freshmen will increase from its five-year average of 81.1% in 1999 to 83.0% in 2005.
Objective 3.4 The second-year retention rates of University first-time, full-time African-American freshmen will increase from its five-year average of 69.2% in 1999 to 72.5% in 2005.
Objective 3.5 The six-year graduation rates of University first-time, full-time freshmen will increase from its five-year average of 66.3% in 1999 to 69% in 2005.
Objective 3.6 The six-year graduation rates of University first-time, full-time African-American freshmen will increase from its five-year average of 49.8% in 1999 to 56% in 2005.
Objective 3.7 The annual number of University baccalaureate recipients will increase from its five-year average of 1,177 in 1999 to 1,190 in 2004.
Goal 4. Strengthen the diversity of the student population and University workforce.
Objective 4.1 Increase the proportion of full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty who are women from 36% in 1998 to not less than 38% in 2004.
Objective 4.2 Increase the proportion of full-time executive/managerial staff that are women from 32% in 1998 to not less than 35% in 2004.
Objective 4.3 Increase the proportion of full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty who are African-American from 5% in 1998 to 6% in 2004.
Objective 4.4 Increase the proportion of full-time executive/managerial staff that are African-American from 6% in 1998 to 9% in 2004.
Objective 4.5 Increase the proportion of African-American undergraduates from 8% in 1998 to 10% in 2004.
Objective 4.6 Increase the proportion of minority undergraduates from 11% in 1998 to 13% in 2004.
Goal 5. Strengthen the University's fiscal and human resources.
Objective 5.1 Increase annual University fund-raising from $1.90 million in 1998 to $2.4 million in 2004.
Objective 5.2 Increase the gross assets of the SU Foundation from $26.5 million in 1998 to $40 million in 2003.
Objective 5.3 Increase the annual dollars awarded in grants from $2.00 million in 1998 to $4.00 million by 2004.
Objective 5.4 Increase the proportion of lower-division student credit hours taught by core faculty from 56% in 1998 to 67% in 2004.
Objective 5.5 Increase the salary levels of University faculty as a percentile of AAUP peers at the ranks of assistant, associate, and professor from 68th, 53rd, and 65th, respectively in 1999 to the 85th percentile by 2004.
Objective 5.6 Increase the proportion of administrative staff who earn salaries that are at or above the 60th percentile of CUPA peers from 33% in 2000 to 55% in 2004.
Salisbury University
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Actual |
Actual |
Estimated |
Estimated |
Full-time, tenured/tenure-track faculty: Percent women
35% |
34% |
34% |
35% |
Full-time, executive/managerial staff: Percent women
28% |
33% |
34% |
35% |
Full-time, tenured/tenure-track faculty: Percent African-American
4% |
4% |
4.5% |
5% |
Full-time, executive/managerial staff: Percent African-American
6% |
8% |
8% |
8% |
Percentage of minority undergraduates
11% |
11% |
11% |
11.5% |
Percentage of African-American undergraduates
8% |
8% |
7.5% |
8.5% |
Annual giving (dollars in millions)
$2.04 |
$2.10 |
$2.15 |
$2.20 |
Grants awarded (dollars in millions)
$2.37 |
$3.22 |
$3.60 |
$4.00 |
Gross Assets of SU Foundation (dollars in millions)
$32.5 |
$36.0 |
$38.0 |
$40.0 |
Lower-division student credit hours taught by core faculty
50% |
53% |
60% |
63% |
Faculty salary as a percentile of AAUP peers
68th |
72nd |
75th |
77th |
53rd |
53rd |
57th |
60th |
65th |
65th |
68th |
70th |
Proportion of administrative staff salaries at or above the 60th percentile of CUPA peers
N/A |
33% |
36% |
45% |
Second-year first-time full-time freshmen retention rates 2
81.1% |
81.6% |
82.0% |
82.4% |
Second-year first-time full-time freshmen African-American retention rates 2
69.2% |
71.5% |
71.9% |
72.3% |
Six-year graduation rates: all full-time undergraduates 2
66.3 |
66.7% |
67.3% |
67.8% |
Six-year graduation rates: African-American undergraduates2
49.8 |
53.1% |
54.0% |
54.5% |
Number Information Technology (IT) graduates
48 |
45 |
48 |
52 |
Number of graduates in Teachers Education 2
229 |
225 |
225 |
227 |
Number of baccalaureate recipients 2
1177 |
1170 |
1174 |
1178 |
Employer satisfaction with SU graduates
N/A |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Graduate school attendance within one year 3,4
26.0% |
26.6% |
26.7% |
26.9% |
Proportion employed full-time one-year after graduation3,4
85.1% |
85.3% |
84.7% |
84.0% |
Ratio employed in Maryland one-year after graduation3
.754 |
.752 |
.750 |
.750 |
Ratio of IT graduates employed full-time in Maryland in an IT field3
1.00 |
.90 |
.90 |
.90 |
Ratio of Teachers Education graduates employed full-time in Maryland as Teachers3
.90 |
.87 |
.87 |
.87 |
Median salary level of graduates one-year after graduation (in thousands)3
$28.5 |
$27.5 |
$30.0 |
$30.0 |
Undergraduate satisfaction with educational quality3
N/A |
98% |
98% |
98% |
Satisfaction with preparation for graduate school3
95% |
98% |
97% |
97% |
Satisfaction with preparation for employment3
92% |
93% |
93% |
93.4% |
Percent of eligible programs accredited
88% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Licensure/Exam pass rates:
Medical Technology1
Respiratory Therapy1
96% |
96% |
96% |
96% |
Low enrollment numbers may dramatically affect the annual passing rate percentage.
Five-year averages are utilized to offset the impact of large annual variations.
Data reported utilizing the Annual Alumni Follow-up Survey: all respondents.
Three-year averages are utilized to offset the impact of annual variations.
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