Indicators and Benchmarks
The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
University of Maryland University College is one of 11 degree-granting institutions in the University System of Maryland.
The mission of University of Maryland University College is to offer educational opportunities to working, adult students who strive to enhance their personal and professional development. To respond to our students' needs and the needs of today's workforce, UMUC offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, doctoral degrees, certificate programs, and non-credit professional development programs in a range of subjects such as computers and technology, business and management, teacher education, and communications. To support UMUC's non-traditional student population, the University provides access, both online and in the classroom, to complete academic programs and student services. As a leading provider of lifelong learning for over fifty years both nationally and internationally, UMUC continues to develop relevant and accessible academic programs that enhance Maryland's economic development and establish the State as a center for global educational excellence. In a commitment to public service, UMUC is building relationships with its surrounding communities through special programs and services.
University of Maryland University College will be the Global University in Maryland that is known for high quality academic programs and outstanding faculty, products, and services delivered to students and clients independent of time and place. UMUC will be the hallmark educational institution for lifelong partnerships with students, the workforce, and both public and private enterprise. UMUC will continue to extend educational opportunities to those who will make our State, our nation, and our global society a better place to live and work.
Goal 1: Provide the workforce with graduates of UMUC's degree programs.
Objective 1.1. The percentage of graduates employed in degree-related positions within one year of graduation will increase from 82% in fiscal year 1999 to 85% in fiscal year 2002.
Objective 1.2. The percentage of graduates employed in degree-related positions in Maryland within one year of graduation will increase from 51% in fiscal year 2000 to 53% in fiscal year 2002.
Objective 1.3. The percentage of African-American graduates employed in degree-related positions within one year after graduation will increase from 79% in fiscal year 2000 to 81% in fiscal year 2002.
Objective 1.4. The percentage of graduates of information technology-related programs employed in degree-related positions in Maryland within one year after graduation will increase from 93% in fiscal year 2000 to 95% in fiscal year 2002.
Goal 2: Provide satisfactory job preparation for the workforce.
Objective 2.1. The percentage of recent graduates reporting satisfaction with their job preparation will be maintained through fiscal year 2002 at or above the 96% level of fiscal year 2000.
Objective 2.2. The percentage of Maryland employers reporting satisfaction with the job preparation of their employees will increase from xx% in fiscal year 1999 to xx% in fiscal year 2002. (Pending the system-wide data collection planned by the University System of Maryland)
Objective 2.3. The median salary of graduates within one year of graduation will increase from $45,272 in fiscal year 1999 to $50,000 in fiscal year 2002.
Goal 3: Broaden access to educational opportunities through online education.
Objective 3.1. The number of Maryland-based online enrollments will increase from 14,594 in fiscal year 1999 to 60,000 in fiscal year 2002.
Objective 3.2. The number of African-American students taking Maryland-based online courses will increase from 2,011 in fiscal year 1999 to 5,723 in fiscal year 2002.
Objective 3.3. The number of Maryland-based online course offerings will increase from 161 in fiscal year 1999 to 350 in fiscal year 2002.
Goal 4. Increase the university's commitment to public service.
Objective 4.1. The number of UMUC projects for community service will increase from 2 in fiscal year 1999 to 6 in fiscal year 2002.
Indicators: |
Actual |
Actual |
Estimated |
Estimated |
Input: |
Number of Maryland-based online enrollments |
14,615 |
31,000 |
45,000 |
60,000 |
Number of African-American students taking Maryland-based online
courses |
2,011 |
3,723 |
4,723 |
5,723 |
Number of Maryland-based online course offerings |
161 1 |
247 1 |
300 |
350 |
Outputs: |
Number of UMUC projects for community service |
2 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Outcomes: |
Percentage of recent graduates employed in degree-related positions 2 |
82% |
83% |
84% |
85% |
Percentage of recent graduates employed in degree-related positions
in Maryland 2 |
51% |
51% |
52% |
53% |
Percentage of African-American graduates employed in degree-
related positions 2 |
* |
79% |
80% |
81% |
Percentage of graduates of information-technology-related programs
employed in degree-related positions within one year of
graduation 2 |
* |
93% |
94% |
95% |
Quality: |
Percentage of recent graduates reporting satisfaction with job
preparation 2 |
97% |
96% |
96% |
96% |
Percentage of Maryland employers reporting satisfaction with UMUC
graduates' job preparation 3 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Median salary of graduates within one year after graduation 2 |
$45,272 |
$47,193 |
$48,500 |
$50,000 |
Notes: *Data not available
Data from Spring 1999 and Spring 2000 course offerings.
Data from Alumni Surveys
Data availability pending the system-wide data collection planned by USM.
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