The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Mission: The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) is a
dynamic public research university integrating teaching, research, and service
to benefit the citizens of Maryland. As an Honors University, the campus offers
academically talented students a strong undergraduate liberal arts foundation
that prepares them for graduate and professional study, entry into the
workforce, and community service and leadership. Known for its outstanding
faculty and cutting edge research, UMBC emphasizes science, engineering,
information technology, human services, and public policy at the graduate level.
UMBC contributes to the economic development of the State and the region through
entrepreneurial initiatives, workforce training, K-16 partnerships, and
technology commercialization in collaboration with public agencies and the
corporate community. UMBC is dedicated to cultural and ethnic diversity, social
responsibility, and lifelong learning
Goal I
USM academic programs will evolve to meet the changing educational needs of
a growing and increasingly diverse undergraduate and graduate student population
and will enhance the quality of life for all Maryland citizens.
Minority Achievement
- Continue to support the academic achievement of a diverse student
- Achieve a second-year retention rate and a six-year graduation rate for
African Americans equal to or greater than peer averages.
- Build on current success of minority achievement and expand the capacity
of the Meyerhoff program, the bilingual/ESOL programs, and other programs
that support the advancement of minorities.
- Ensure that UMBC achieves and maintains racial, ethnic, and gender
diversity among its faculty, staff, and students.
- Increase the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of faculty, in part by
seeking Welcome Grant funds to attract high quality minority faculty.
- Maintain the current high level of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity
among UMBC's students.
- Continue to support campus organizations that promote diversity within the
Baby Boom Echo
- Increase the number of students enrolled at the undergraduate and graduate
levels consistent with demographic trends and campus enrollment projections
and contingent upon the implementation of MHEC funding formula guidelines.
- Expand the base of scholarship and need-based financial aid funding to
support increased enrollments.
- Expand Information Systems and Social Work major programs to Shady Grove
- Expand campus housing and student services to accommodate increased
Undergraduate Education
- Produce graduates in all disciplines who think critically, communicate
effectively, and demonstrate technology literacy.
- Explore reform of core curriculum including an increased writing
requirement, experiential learning requirement, and a required minor.
- Expand faculty-directed undergraduate research and service-learning
- Review and strengthen Honors College, Interdisciplinary Studies Program,
and Study Abroad programming.
- Implement an assured access program which will meet Regents' IT
- Construct new classrooms and upgrade existing classrooms to facilitate the
use of technology in teaching.
- Enhance mission-related areas (the sciences and engineering, information
technology, human services, and public policy at the graduate level) while
maintaining a strong undergraduate liberal arts and sciences core.
- Expand the capacity of existing high demand programs.
- Seek approval of new undergraduate programs in order to offer UMBC
students an array of program options comparable to other research
- Maintain faculty and programmatic strengths in the humanities, arts, and
social sciences.
- Expand programs and services to support the success of UMBC students.
- Expand residential mentoring program.
- Open new student union to accommodate academic and non-academic needs of
- Implement new student information systems to better serve and attract
- Strengthen advising program and explore new approaches to orientation and
the first year experiences of new freshmen and transfer students.
Online Learning
- Expand efforts to make UMBC programs available through the use of distance
learning technologies.
- Expand the number of online courses offered and continue relationship with
Maryland Online.
- Offer an online Master's program in Information Systems and develop other
distance education initiatives.
Lifelong Learning
- Continue to address the lifelong learning needs of the adult population in
the region and State.
- Explore opportunities to offer IT training off campus, such as at the
proposed Hagerstown Center.
- Offer credit and non-credit programs on-campus and on-site to business and
industry partners.
- Continue to offer the Golden ID program.
- Aggressively seek new enrollments in graduate programs, especially at the
Master's level.
Competition and Program Development
- Ensure that UMBC's academic programs address the needs of the
- Expand the array of undergraduate and graduate programs, within UMBC's
mission and particularly in high demand areas
- Continue to produce graduates prepared to enter the workforce,
particularly in the sciences, engineering, information technology, and
- Aggressively pursue MAITI goals of doubling IT degrees, contingent upon
receipt of funding
- to accommodate increased enrollments.
- Maintain and strengthen collaboration with other USM institutions.
- Collaborate with UB and UMB in existing graduate programs and implement,
when approved, a new graduate program in Gerontology with UMB.
- Explore collaboration in new biotechnology graduate program areas with UMB,
Technologically Competent Workforce
- Continue to address the Regents' IT standards through the campus IT plan
and other initiatives.
- Increase training for staff and faculty as called for in the new campus IT
- Explore reform of the core curriculum to include a technology requirement.
- Maximize student participation in the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
Workforce Shortages
- Continue to produce high quality graduates and credentialed individuals to
address workforce demands in the public and private sectors.
- Implement 2+2 nursing program with UMB.
- Continue to play a leadership role in K-16 activities and teacher
preparation, including work with high poverty schools and expansion of the
number of PDSs.
- Increase the number of bachelor's degrees awarded in science/technology.
- Double non-credit enrollments in continuing education courses workforce
training courses.
Goal II
USM research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in
science, technology and other key areas, providing the knowledge and
infrastructure to ensure the State's continued economic growth, sustainable
development and international competitiveness.
Competition for Faculty
- Attract and retain a high quality faculty.
- Increase UMBC faculty salaries to the 85th percentile of Research II
- Continue to develop policies and strategies to increase the retention of
top faculty.
- Explore the creation of a dedicated fund for startup accounts to attract
new faculty.
- Enhance the library as a campus resource comparable to libraries at other
research universities.
- Increase investment in library materials and online resources.
- Invest in the library to maintain its leadership in the use of technology
and to support academic programs.
- Participate in LIMS III.
- Increase staffing to reach levels comparable to other Research II
Research and Economic Development
- Promote and support cutting edge research and creative activity.
- Invest in research infrastructure, including information systems for pre-
and post-grant management.
- Invest in building maintenance and construction management to meet the
needs of UMBC's researchers and to ensure compliance with federal and state
- Invest in renovations to provide adequate laboratory and office space for
UMBC's researchers.
- Obtain external funding to create new multi-discipline centers and
institutes, such as the GEST Center and the Urban Environmental Center, and
create corporate and public sector partnerships to advance UMBC's research
- Maintain Internet2 standards and increase investment in UMATS.
- Invest in additional graduate research assistantships to support
outstanding graduate students.
- Continue to collaborate with business to contribute to the growth of
Maryland's economy.
- Aggressively seek new tenants for UMBC's Research Park.
- Continue to occupy UMBC's Technology Center with small high technology
- Work with TEDCO and other State agencies to bring promising university
technologies to market.
- Expand research and internship opportunities for undergraduate and
graduate students in corporate and public sector research environments.
Goal III
The USM will achieve its legislative mandate of national eminence and its
fundamental mission to serve the public good while carefully managing growth and
developing System resources.
Undergraduate Resident Tuition
- Increase undergraduate resident tuition at an annual rate of 4% to
complement funding anticipated from MHEC funding formula guidelines and to
support UMBC's high cost mission.
Staff Development
- Enhance support for UMBC staff professional, technical, and support staff.
- Implement campus IT plan which will provide staff with necessary IT
equipment and training.
- Implement automated online training.
- Continue staff development programs to ensure adequately trained staff for
an increasingly sophisticated and complex research and business environment.
Faculty Development
- Support faculty development in the areas of teaching, research, and
- Increase funding for the new Faculty Development Center.
- Implement FACT program (funded by MHEC) to assist faculty with technology
in the classroom.
Reallocation of Resources
- Explore opportunities to reallocate resources in support of the campus
- Develop a decision making process for the reallocation of resources that
incorporates academic program reviews, post-tenure review, and review of low
productivity programs.
- Increase net revenues from continuing education activities and make them
available to support special campus initiatives, as appropriate.
- Expand the campus Computer Replacement Initiative.
Other Management/Effectiveness Strategies
- Continue to pursue administrative efficiencies and ensure the effective
use of public resources.
- Implement electronic payment of student bills and explore other e-business
- Implement next generation administrative applications systems (human
resource system, student information system, financial resource
- Hire and assign business managers to department clusters to serve the
multiple administrative and grant management needs of academic departments.
- Merge the Office of Instructional Technology with University Computing
Services to concentrate UMBC's technology and learning efforts.
Community Service
- Continue to serve as a national leader in promoting service learning and
civic engagement.
- Expand opportunities, primarily via the Shriver Center, for students to
gain service-learning and internship positions with community service
- Expand Public Affairs Scholars program to promote public service careers.
- Expand faculty community service and public policy activities.
Philanthropy and Entrepreneurial Partnerships
- Expand private support and involve private enterprise in sponsored
programs across the disciplines.
- Increase UMBC's endowment through fund raising and achieve Capital
Campaign goals.
- Seek funding to support existing and new programs, to attract and retain
faculty, and to expand scholarships and other forms of institutional
- Create new entrepreneurial partnerships with business, government, and
non-profit organizations.
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