The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
The University of Maryland
Biotechnology Institute
Mission: The University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute's (UMBI)
mission is to establish a new paradigm for integrating research, education, and
service through university, government and industry partnerships. With research
centers in the most scientifically and economically important aspects of
biotechnology, the institute seeks to develop internationally-recognized
research programs, to educate and train a new generation of scientists, to serve
as a vital resource for public outreach programs, and to be a catalyst and focal
point for economic development in biotechnology in the State and nation.
Goal I
USM academic programs will evolve to meet the changing educational needs of
a growing and increasingly diverse undergraduate and graduate student population
and will enhance the quality of life for all Maryland citizens.
Minority achievement
- Expand mentoring programs for minority students at the Institute of Human
Virology and Center of Marine Biotechnology; add programs to other UMBI
research centers.
- Establish partnerships for education/training in biotechnology with
historically black institutions.
Online learning
- Offer Web-based science and technology training for K-16 students and
teachers through the new UMBI Education Network.
- Provide international online courses and seminars in both synchronous and
asynchronous formats through the VIRTUE program.
Biotechnology workforce shortage
- Ally with UMUC and Montgomery College to introduce an undergraduate
biotechnology program in Montgomery County.
- Join forces with Baltimore City Community College to enhance biotechnology
education in Baltimore City.
- Establish Professional Master's Program in Good Manufacturing Practices
(cGMP) Bioprocess engineering, in partnership with the University of
Maryland, College Park School of Engineering, at the Shady Grove campus.
- Partner with doctoral programs at other USM institutions to increase
recruitment, enrich content of biotechnology graduate education.
Life-long learning
- Health care:
Expand public education programs on critical health
issues, including AIDS, offered through Institute of Human Virology.
- Expand Maryland AIDS Professional Education Center program of training for
health care workers across the State.
- Health care:
Enhance, expand public education programs on critical
health and environmental issues related to the Chesapeake Bay, including Pfiesteria
and bioremediation, offered by the Center of Marine Biotechnology.
- Teacher training:
Organize a system of teacher workshops on use of
Internet technology for teaching; workshops will be offered via the Internet
and/or distance learning technology as well as at the UMBI centers, at other
USM institutions, and on-site at community colleges and elementary, middle,
and secondary schools.
Goal II
USM research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in
science, technology and other key areas, providing the knowledge and
infrastructure to ensure the State's continued economic growth, sustainable
development and international competitiveness.
Competition for faculty
- Provide additional support for the recruitment and retention of prominent
faculty at all five UMBI research centers.
- Establish endowed professorships at all centers.
- Establish entrepreneurial professorships at all centers.
Research and Economic development
- Allocate a portion of central budget to multi-year support of
cross-disciplinary/cross-center research projects.
- Increase sponsored research funding.
- Increase number of patent licenses and patents granted.
- Increase royalties on technology ($1.1 million by 2005).
- Expand research, primarily at the Center of Marine Biotechnology, related
to Pfiesteria and other toxic algae of the Chesapeake Bay,
aquaculture commercialization, hatchery process enhancement, and blue crab
biology and aquaculture.
- Continue to develop Maryland Contained Mariculture Program, designed to
develop novel approaches to environmentally responsible seafood production,
generating business development in urban and rural communications.
- Expand and enhance existing business/industrial partnerships within and
outside of Maryland.
- Offer adjunct professorships to industrial scientists.
- Seek increased business/industry collaborations; new office of business
development will be critical to this process.
Competition and program development
- Continue efforts to develop new start-up ventures currently underway at
Centers for Agricultural Biotechnology and of Marine Biotechnology and
Institute of Human Virology.
- Establish office of business development to provide aid to researchers in
establishing new biotechnology companies.
- Streamline process for commercialization of technology, add staff support
as appropriate.
- Form and utilize advisory boards for each center, representing government,
business, and the academic science community, to aid researchers in seeking
funding, establishing companies.
- Provide in-house training seminars on technology transfer and
entrepreneurship by leaders in the field.
- Secure a profit-making partner for the Columbus Center.
- Offer an entrepreneurial professorship to faculty members willing to start
up new ventures within the state of Maryland.
- In partnership with Frostburg University and West Virginia University,
establish new Appalachian Center for Ethnobotany, located in Frostburg.
- Obtain a BEST (bioremediation, education, science and technology) grant to
train under-represented minorities in bioremediation and phytoremediation of
heavy metals, TNT, PCB as well as ecotoxicology based on bioavailability by
partnering with UMBC and UMES.
- Develop an inter-center Bioinformatics Program.
Research facilities
- Build new facility at Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology site
on Shady Grove Center.
- Establish bench-top Good Manufacturing Processes (cGMP) Bioprocess
Production and Training Core Facility as part of CARB II at Shady Grove.
- Acquire new building for the Center for Agricultural Biotechnology.
- Complete and expand the Aquaculture Research Center at the Center of
Marine Biotechnology.
- Acquire additional space for the Institute of Human Virology and the
Medical Biotechnology Center.
- Plan facilities with Frostburg for Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical
Goal III
The USM will achieve its legislative mandate of national eminence and its
fundamental mission to serve the public good while carefully managing growth and
developing System resources.
Community outreach
- Establish new Center for Education, Outreach and Ethics in Biotechnology
- with a focus on biotechnology education, ethical issues, and policy
concerns, including safety and social impact.
- Enhance and expand science and technology education program for K-16
students and teachers, with a special emphasis on underserved populations.
- Utilize Columbus Center "Hall of Exploration" space, in
partnership with an appropriate entity, for programs in public understanding
and education of scientific research.
- Expand public education programs on critical health issues, including
AIDS, offered through Institute of Human Virology.
- Initiate tutorials and workshops on the benefits and risks of technology.
Private philanthropy
- Seek funding for endowed chairs and professorships.
- Seek funding for expansion of aquaculture research center and equipment
for all five centers.
- Start major foundation campaign to enhance resources for faculty hires.
Federal support
- Increase sponsored research funding by 25% above our current 50% mark
within the next five years.
- Seek federal support for education and ethnobotany initiatives.
- Seek federal support for the Maryland Contained Mariculture Initiative.
Reallocation of resources
- Reorganize the USM Office to place greater emphasis on technology
transfer and business development, as well as education and outreach,
significantly increasing staff size in these critical areas.
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