The USM in 2010:
to the Challenges that Lie Ahead
University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science
Mission: The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
advances knowledge through scientific discovery, integration, application and
teaching, all leading toward a holistic understanding of our environment and
natural resources. UMCES is the only institution of the USM whose statutory
mission is the development of a comprehensive program of environmental research,
education, and service. The Center's mission extends to the application of
science into effective environmental and natural resource policies and the
education of the next generation of environmental scientists and managers.
Goal I
USM academic programs will evolve to meet the changing educational needs of
a growing and increasingly diverse undergraduate and graduate student population
and will enhance the quality of life for all Maryland citizens.
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is a
non-degree granting institution, but is extensively involved in education at
many levels, from school children to doctoral candidates. Over 140 graduate
students matriculated at various USM institutions (UMCP, FSU, UMB, UMES) study
directly under the UMCES faculty and train in its laboratories. The majority of
these students are enrolled in the multi-campus Marine-Estuarine-Environmental
Sciences (MEES) Program; others are enrolled in programs based at Frostburg
State University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. In 1993, the
National Research Council (NRC) ranked the MEES Program at the University of
Maryland, College Park, as the nation's 10th best doctoral research program in
oceanography, largely on the basis of the quality of the UMCES faculty. The
Center is committed to raising that ranking when the NRC completes its next
review in 2003 as stipulated in its Managing for Results (MFR) report.
In developing the Center's strategic plan, Crossing Boundaries: A
Strategy for the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Beyond
2000, it was widely recognized by faculty and students that now was the time
to build on success by increasing the rigor and national reputation, not the
size, of the Center's graduate education efforts. The Center is committed to
attracting and retaining top graduate students by: 1) streamlining the
application process and offering timely fellowships to top applicants; 2)
elevating the rigor of the curriculum by updating course content, diversifying
courses offered, and ensuring that the basic pillars are covered early; and 3)
collectively raising the standards the faculty expects in research theses. UMCES
plans to increase average incoming GRE scores by 25 points over the next four
years (MFR goal).
UMCES has a unique and statutory obligation to provide environmental
education to K-16 students, teachers, and the general public. The Center has
invested significant resources to maintain a sizeable environmental education
center at its Horn Point Laboratory, a visitor's center at its Chesapeake
Biological Laboratory, and an extensive outreach program in partnership with the
Maryland Sea Grant College Program. Additionally, each summer the Center hosts
approximately 50 undergraduate interns and 25 schoolteachers for research
In Crossing Boundaries the Center made a major commitment to do more
to achieve an environmentally literate society needed for a sustainable and
prosperous Maryland by: 1) expanding its environmental education programs at the
Appalachian Laboratory and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory; 2) advancing
effective collaboration among other USM programs, schools, and regional
environmental education centers; 3) assisting in the implementation of the
Chesapeake Bay Program environmental education initiative; and 4) delivering
real-world data and information about the regional environment through the Web.
UMCES plans to double teacher training and expand the number of K-12 students by
25% by 2004 (MFR report).
Goal II
USM research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in
science, technology and other key areas, providing the knowledge and
infrastructure to ensure the State's continued economic growth, sustainable
development and international competitiveness.
During the development of Crossing Boundaries the Center's principal
external clients emphasized that the Center's role as the most influential
Chesapeake Bay research institution was based on the quality and credibility of
its research. These partners recognized that the Center's effectiveness is
based on the global perspectives and experience of its faculty, which provide
context for our understanding of Maryland's environments. Research excellence
has also brought significant external support from federal and private sponsors
to greatly expand the scope and volume of UMCES research. The Center's most
fundamental commitment is to ensure that it performs scientific research of the
first rank, thus allowing it to remain a national leader in environmental
science and effective in guiding environmental protection and responsible use of
natural resources. In particular, the Center is well positioned to help Maryland
advance its international status as a leader in sustainable development and to
ensure the high quality of life key to economic prosperity in the 21st
Scientific quality requires relentless commitment to the improvement of
existing capabilities and careful selection of new directions. The Center will,
in particular, continue to foster integrative, collaborative research in
ecosystem ecology, oceanography, chemistry and toxicology, and fisheries science
and champion the transdisciplinary approaches needed to address regional
environmental research and global-scale problems. It is addressing the key
challenges for environmental science in this new century, focusing particularly
on understanding large-scale changes in our environment, understanding the
complexity of nature, improving our ability to make the predictions about our
future, and providing the know-how to restore damaged ecosystems. Through
innovative, relevant research, UMCES will at the same time address contemporary
environmental management needs and provide the essential foundations for modern
graduate education.
Goal III
The USM will achieve its legislative mandate of national eminence and its
fundamental mission to serve the public good while carefully managing growth and
developing System resources.
As its vision statement declares, the Center has continued to evolve as a
globally eminent, yet locally relevant, institution dedicated to discovery,
integration, application and education concerning the environment and natural
resources. UMCES has been extremely successful at receiving competitive awards
to support its research endeavors. In 1997, the Center ranked in the top 75
percentile for awards per faculty member of Carnegie I Research Institutions.
Since then the value of awards received has grown by over 50%, exceeding $17
million in both FY 1999 and 2000. The Center is committed to reaching the top 85
percentile and over $20 million in awards by 2004 (MFR report).
UMCES has long been engaged in the application of its science to practical
matters. However, the times demand that we find more effective and powerful ways
to pursue the scholarship of integration and application—to bring science
directly to bear on the public good. In Crossing Boundaries, UMCES
committed to establish and sustain an Integration and Application Network (IAN),
which will grow to become a rich and interactive information and knowledge
resource for the University System and the region.
The Center already has an excellent reputation for cost-effective management
through a combination of appropriately centralized or decentralized
administration. It will use information technology to gain further efficiencies,
while improving the effectiveness of scientific project management. It will also
work to implement its capital improvement program, which over the next ten years
will provide the research facilities required in the early 20th
century. It will diversify its financial base by attracting more private support
while remaining highly competitive for federal funding. Finally, the Center will
continue to commit resources for salaries needed to recruit and retain
outstanding scientists (reaching the 75th percentile by 2004, MFR
report) and provide for the professional development of its staff.
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