Board of Regents
Committee on Finance
May 24, 2011
Multi-Purpose Room
Christopher Columbus Center
701 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202


1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Discussion with Institutional Presidents
Times shown are approximate. Schedule subject to change.
Each president is requested to limit his/her remarks to no more than 5 minutes;
3-5 additional minutes are allotted for questions by Regents.
1:00 PM — 1:40 PM FSU, UMES, UMCES, SU
1:40 PM — 2:20 PM TU, BSU, UMCP, UMUC
2:20PM — 3:00 PM CSU, UB, UMB, UMBC
3:00 PM — 3:30 PM Closing Remarks by Chair / Chancellor and Discussion

Materials and Handouts